公寓 租在 本諾尼 豪登省
您正在尋找位於格倫伍德伯諾尼市中心且維護良好的現代公寓嗎?別再猶豫了! 促銷:2個月以上支付存款金額 波拉納花園 |格倫伍德 (Glennwood) 出租公寓 - 非常適合入門家庭住宅。位置便利,靠近便利設施和高速公路。 租賃價格: 1 臥室 R4200 起 2 臥室 R5350 起 提供安全停車位 預付費電和計量水 特色優勢: 爐灶通向開放式休息室 廚房配有內置櫥櫃 浴室有浴缸、洗臉盆、馬桶 輕鬆享受生活 Glynnwwod 醫院 毛條和晶石 貝諾尼市場 貝諾尼 SAPS 和車庫(帶有 PnP Express 的 BP) 靠近格倫伍德購物中心和伯諾尼中心 租金不包括雜物(水、污水和垃圾) 不可轉租 - 至少一年租約 格林伍德學校和高爾夫莊園 Planet Fitness 和 Lakefield Junction 購物中心 湖俱樂部、高爾夫球場 醫療和牙科中心 不准帶寵物 安全停車
MASSIVE 2 HA INCOME-GENERATOR AND BUSINESS POTENTIAL. This multi-use property ticks all the boxes if you are looking for a work-from-home or a Business location with easy access to all the main roads

Looking for Modern, Well-maintained apartments in the heart of Benoni, Glennwood? Look no further! Pay deposit amount over 2 months. Promotion: Pay the Deposit Amount Over 2 Months Farrar Gardens |

Looking for Modern, Well-maintained apartments in the heart of Benoni, Glennwood? Look no further! Promotion: 50% OFF FIRST MONTH RENT Hilton Place | Apartments to Rent at Glennwood - Perfect for St

Pay deposit amount over 2 months. Promotion: Pay the Deposit Amount Over 2 Months Avan Court | Apartments to Rent at Glennwood - Perfect for Single or Starter Family Home. Conveniently situated near

New Development in Benoni, The Wagon NB: *PAY DEPOSIT AMOUNT OVER 2 MONTHS* Brand New Apartments to Rent at Glennwood - Perfect for Single or Starter Family Home. Conveniently situated near amenitie

Looking for Modern, Well-maintained apartments in the heart of Benoni, Glennwood? Look no further! Pay deposit amount over 2 months. Promotion: Pay the Deposit Amount Over 2 Months Polana Gardens |