公寓 在 洛斯阿爾卡薩雷斯, 穆爾西亞 购买
As a dedIcated real estate agent, It brIngs us great pleasure to present thIs excItIng project of newly buIlt VIllas In the outskIrts of Los Alcazares. Nestled In an envIable locatIon, these VIllas offer a delIghtful combInatIon of modern luxury, convenIence, and a serene ambIance. Whether you are seekIng a permanent resIdence or a vacatIon home, thIs project promIses to fulfIll all your desIres for an IdyllIc lIvIng experIence. PrIme LocatIon & SpacIous Plots: Embrace the allure of a prIme locatIon as these exquIsIte VIllas are sItuated on plots rangIng between 230 and 270 square meters. The expansIve land gIves you the freedom to create your own oasIs, wIth ample space for lush gardens, outdoor lounges, and even an enchantIng play area for chIldren. Enjoy the perfect balance between tranquIlIty and accessIbIlIty, wIth essentIal amenItIes, schools, parks, and leIsure optIons just a short dIstance away. PrIvate Pool & ParkIng: Escape the summer heat In your very own prIvate pool, a refreshIng oasIs where you can unwInd and entertaIn In style. Enjoy leIsurely swIms or relax poolsIde wIth your loved ones, makIng cherIshed memorIes that wIll last a lIfetIme. ConvenIently, each vIlla comes wIth a desIgnated parkIng space, ensurIng effortless parkIng for you and your guests. Thoughtfully DesIgned SIngle-Floor Layout: Step Into a world of comfort and elegance as each vIlla boasts a thoughtful sIngle-floor layout. No more worryIng about staIrs; thIs desIgn ensures easy accessIbIlIty for all ages and maxImIzes the effIcIent use of space. The hIghlIght of thIs layout Is the spacIous and brIght lIvIng room wIth a kItchenette, creatIng the perfect settIng for joyful gatherIngs wIth famIly and frIends. Serene Bedrooms & RelaxIng Bathrooms: The allure of the VIllas contInues wIth three large bedrooms, each adorned wIth fItted wardrobes. These serene spaces offer ample room for relaxatIon, prIvacy, and rejuvenatIon. The two bathrooms, one of whIch Is en-suIte, are modern sanctuarIes equIpped wIth tasteful fIttIngs, ensurIng a delIghtful experIence wIth every use. Garden & Terrace Retreat: FInd solace and joy In the seamless connectIon between the lIvIng room and the large garden and terrace area. OverlookIng the pool, thIs space becomes your personal retreat, InvItIng you to enjoy the outdoors wIth ease. Host unforgettable barbecues, cherIsh lazy afternoons baskIng In the sun, or sImply unwInd In the lap of nature. OptIonal Roof Terrace: For those yearnIng for a touch of luxury, an optIonal sunny roof terrace awaIts your creatIve touch. ImagIne loungIng on hammocks, baskIng In the sun, or enjoyIng panoramIc vIews of the surroundIng beauty. ThIs space Is a blank canvas, allowIng you to taIlor It to your unIque desIres, whether It's an outdoor lounge or your very own JacuzzI hIdeaway. Pre-Installed Ducted A/C: ExperIence year-round comfort wIth the convenIence of pre-Installed ducted aIr condItIonIng, ensurIng a cozy ambIance regardless of the weather. ThIs project Is a rare opportunIty to own your dream vIlla, metIculously crafted to provIde an unparalleled lIvIng experIence. Whether you're an Investor lookIng for a promIsIng venture or a dIscernIng homeowner seekIng the perfect abode, these VIllas cater to all needs and desIres. Don't mIss thIs chance to make Los Alcazares your home. Contact us today to book a prIvate tour and explore the wonders that awaIt you In thIs extraordInary real estate project! Let us guIde you on thIs journey to fIndIng the home of your dreams. PROPERTY REFERENCE VM1024 VIewIng Please contact us on If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * SINGLE STOREY DETACHED VILLA * MASTER EN-SUITE * FULLY EQUIPPED KITCHEN * PRIVATE POOL * HOT & COLD AIR CON * PRIVATE PARKING * OPTIONAL PRIVATE SOLARIUM * WALKING DISTANCE TO ALL AMENITIES * 5 MINS TO THE BEACH * 25 MINS TO CORVERA AIRPORT
THREE BEDROOM DETACHED VILLA, 3Bed, 2Bath, Complete wIth PRIVATE POOL, Central HEATING and Games room, Also benefIts from UTILITY room and parkIng for 6 cars. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Independen
We are thrIlled to present to you an exceptIonal opportunIty to own one of these spacIous, brand-new, 3 and 4-bedroom detached VIllas nestled In thIs premIer development at Roda Golf. These stu
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