其他 租在 肯特 Christ Church
我們擁有480 平方英尺的空間,適合辦公或零售。 “Emperor's Court”是一座新購物中心,位於南海岸,交通便利,周圍有超市、銀行、餐廳和其他便利設施。 這個 480 平方英尺的前單元舖有厚厚的工業瓷磚,前面有用於展示的觀景窗和一個玻璃門入口。每個單元的尺寸為 20 英尺 x 24 英尺,並擁有自己的私人衛生間和水槽設施。這些洗手間的地板以及地板到天花板均舖有瓷磚。他們還配備堅固的鋁製窗戶,並在這些窗戶上安裝了安全欄。 每個單元都配有1.0 毫米抹刀塑料製成的成品牆壁、自然白色的牆壁以及帶有四個4 英尺燈具的吊頂。天花板。此外,每個單元至少有3 個電源插座,每個配電板中還有額外的空間,可容納至少4 個額外的斷路器(如果需要額外的設備)。 從主幹道進入很方便,每個單位前面都有充足的停車位,人行道上有公共交通可供通行。 房產ID:39827 價格:1,250 美元/每月/另加增值稅 房產面積: 480 平方英尺 房產狀態:出租 * 地址沃辛,基督城 * 巴巴多斯布里奇敦市 * 巴巴多斯州/縣,基督城 *國家 巴巴多斯
Harcliff is a large rectangular oceanfront lot of land, located in the popular St. Lawrence Gap in Christ Church, Barbados. This flat lot is a prime piece of real estate and sits on over 33,000 Sq. Ft
Harcliff is a large rectangular oceanfront lot of land, located in the popular St. Lawrence Gap in Christ Church, Barbados. This flat lot is a prime piece of real estate and sits on over 33,000 Sq. Ft
Harcliff is a large rectangular oceanfront lot of land, located in the popular St. Lawrence Gap in Christ Church, Barbados. This flat lot is a prime piece of real estate and sits on over 33,000 Sq. Ft
For Sale - Abbeville is a prime 1-acre lot located on the South Coast of Barbados. This property currently houses the Abbeville Bar and Restaurant and offers a perfect opportunity for development of a
Many tourists frequent Barbados and we have an amazing opportunity on this island for a smart Hotelier or Investor. We have just listed Palm Garden Hotel, a 23 room (19 rooms in the main hotel
Many tourists frequent Barbados and we have an amazing opportunity on this island for a smart Hotelier or Investor. We have just listed Palm Garden Hotel, a 23 room (19 rooms in the main hotel