房子 租在 格羅斯基普 帕福斯
豪華五臥室別墅位於帕福斯美麗的 Geroskipou 村莊,靠近當地設施,距離村莊廣場僅幾步之遙。 這家別緻酒店的底樓設有一間帶兩個休息區的大客廳,其中一個設有令人愉悅的壁爐。起居區通向用餐區和配有內置電器的超現代廚房。 這一層便利地設有淋浴間和洗衣房以及遊戲室和辦公室,如果需要,可以用作另外兩間臥室。起居區和用餐區通向俯瞰花園的陽台。此外,還有一間酒吧和帶燒烤空間的戶外廚房,非常適合戶外用餐和招待家人和朋友。 大理石樓梯通向一樓,設有三間寬敞的臥室,其中兩間配有套間淋浴間,第三間則配有設施齊全的浴室和步入式衣櫃。這棟獨特別墅的其他設施包括帶防黴櫥櫃的衣櫃、空調和地暖。此外,還有兩個寬敞的陽台,非常適合沐浴地中海的陽光。 對於在一系列設施中尋求豪華永久住所的挑剔租戶來說,這是一個完美的住所。 Geroskipou 是帕福斯東部的一個村莊,是該區第二大城市。這個村莊有很多特色,其中包括引人注目的五圓頂拜占庭式聖帕拉斯凱維教堂、民俗博物館和大型傳統廣場。該地區還因生產 Cypriot Delight 或 Lokum 而聞名,因為它在當地廣為人知。這個村莊里有很多商店、售貨亭、餐館和酒吧,還有許多僻靜的海岸線區域,包括受歡迎的里科海灘,距離帕福斯鎮只有很短的車程。
For Sale Detached House in Geroskipou for €3,339,000 Luxury living is located where natural beauty and history meet. The site, 150 meters away from beautiful sandy beaches and is home to

Unique 5 bedroom villa in one of the most expensive areas of Paphos with magnificent sea views in Geroskipou, Paphos. Key Features * Breathtaking views * Internal area 600sq.m * Ve

This luxury living villa is located where natural beauty and history meet. The site, 150 meters away from beautiful sandy beaches and is home to people that are in love with sea and tropical atmospher

Luxury living is located where natural beauty and history meet. The site, 150 meters away from beautiful sandy beaches and is home to 3 bedroom villas, strategically placed in order to enjoy a view to
4-Bedroom Villa with great views *This Off-Plan villas for sale in the Geroskipou village of Paphos region, Cyprus* Cyprus property with TITLE DEEDS Ideally located, this dream vi
For Sale Detached House in Geroskipou for €1,948,000 Luxury living is located where natural beauty and history meet. The site, 150 meters away from beautiful sandy beaches and is home to