其他 在 溫水浴, 林波波 购买
買這個值得一搶 這片 1.7 公頃的空地位於 Waterberg 山脈下方,距離中央商務區約 3 公里。貝拉 - 貝拉鎮距離豪登省僅一個多小時車程,也是唯一一個可以找到從地下冒出的熱礦泉的地方 貝拉 - 貝拉是沃特貝格區市內一個繁榮的旅遊和農業城鎮,擁有一流的會議、度假村、娛樂、高爾夫球場和體育設施。這裡是五巨頭的主場,擁有大量的野生動物保護區。它是南非最受歡迎的健康和度假勝地之一,被譽為“大自然給人類的禮物”。 建造你的夢想家園,體驗從上述山脈升起的太陽。步行即可到達 Forever Resort 和其他設施,距離酒店約 3 公里。 打電話給我安排參觀這個不容錯過的房產
THIS IS A FARM WITH MULTIPLE USE Modimolle is located approximately two hours drive from Johannesburg and less from Pretoria. It is the home of the big five and the farm is located along the N1 just b

EXPERIENCE LIVING IN THE SUNNY BELA - BELA Just over an hour's drive from Johannesburg, you are in an environment where summers are long, warn, and partly cloudy. The winters are short, cool, dry and

SECURE AND ARABLE LAND Suitable land for game, livestock and vegetable production. 42 ha of land with arable land and palatable grass. Abundant underground water. The land has two strong boreholes. T

CALLING ON SERIOUS INVESTORS This 1,7ha vacant land located approximately 2kms from the Bela - Bela CBD is best suited for property developers, The land parcel has been re - zoned from agriculture to