土地 在 因弗內斯, 新斯科舍省 购买
在您最瘋狂的夢想中,您永遠不會想到您會找到一個非常像這樣的房源......在世界著名的卡博特步道旁的布雷頓角,擁有自己的海灘,佔地近 20 英畝。這是一片與眾不同的天堂,是建造您夢想家園的夢想財產。這個屬性實際上有三個方面,海洋方面和河流方面是更主要的方面。河邊,也被稱為“Buttereau”,是當地著名的游泳勝地,就像一個湖泊,河流在這裡結束,並通過兩水之間的堤道開口流入大海。河邊大部分是平靜的水域,非常適合游泳、皮划艇和單槳衝浪。切蒂坎普河 (Cheticamp River) 也因其休閒飛釣而聞名。海邊是一個卵石海灘,但如果您正在尋找的話,這是一個更安靜的位置。第三面是 Bourgeois Road 另一邊的池塘臨街的地方。在海邊游泳或散步時,您可能會看到一些漁民在拖著他們的日常漁獲物、一兩隻鯨魚或地平線上美麗的日落。高地國家公園是河流的背景。無論從哪個角度看,景色都令人嘆為觀止。從“Buttereau”出發,您可以通過一條步道前往更大面積的土地,您可能希望將您的夢想家園或小屋安置在那裡。甚至兩個房屋的土地細分。一口鑽井和一條車道已經到位,為建造傑作而完成的大量基礎設施。那裡的景色非常出色,是您永遠不會忘記的。這真是一個神奇的地方,人們可以花幾個小時冥想、練習瑜伽或只是在吊床上閒逛。簡單的生活.... (id:2494) 房源詳情 ID:25053133 價格:1,500,000 交易類型:出售 景觀類型:湖景、海景、河景 濱水類型:海洋濱水區 建築 公用水:鑽井 土地 總面積:10 - 49 英畝 面積:真實 下水道:沒有下水道系統 停車場 名稱:礫石
This is a rare and beautiful 4.6 acre waterfront lot located along the Mabou Harbour Estuary within 6kms from the village of Mabou, on the Mabou Harbour Road. If you grow tired of walking this shoreli
Approx 55 plus acres of farm fields on Bras d'Or Lake frontage and 150 acres of wood land. This beautiful old farm has great development potential. One of the oldest stands of mixed forest in Cape Bre
This is a rare and beautiful 4.6 acre waterfront lot located along the Mabou Harbour Estuary within 6kms from the village of Mabou, on the Mabou Harbour Road. If you grow tired of walking this shoreli
Cape Breton. Large 281 acres private two woodlots located in North Lake Ainslie / Glen Campbellton. Lots have been silviculture managed for many years. A recent forest management plan which outlines t
A mostly wooded waterfront lot located on the Eastern side of the Mabou Harbour Road. In a Westerly direction it follows the ordinary high water mark of Northeast Cove 472 feet, more or less, to the E
Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, has 85 acres of farmland. STUNNING VIEWS from this property on Lake Ainslie - the largest freshwater lake in NS. Approximately 850+ feet of paved road frontage, electricity,