房子 在 馬里布海灘, 加利福尼亞州 购买
信託銷售,須經法院確認。接受的報價是 $5,100,00。 23 年 1 月 18 日上午 8 點 30 分在 Dept. 29, LASuperior Court,位於 111 N. Hill Street, Los Angeles 90012 的 MiniMUM OVERBiD 將達到 5,355,500 美元。 160,000 平方英尺的地塊,擁有壯麗的海洋全景和更遠的地方。您一定會喜歡上世紀中葉的終極設計以及不拘一格的海濱別墅氛圍。整個房間明亮通風。絕佳的室內和室外娛樂空間,可俯瞰田園山景和海景。獨立的通道通往美妙的燈光網球場,適合那些喜歡打球的人。開放式概念平面圖包括帶壁爐的客廳、廚房和餐廳,可俯瞰通往室外游泳池的玻璃牆。主層設有兩間帶連接浴室的臥室,其中一間設有寬敞的起居區和壁爐,以及第三間臥室。帶蒸汽淋浴和桑拿浴室的健身房以及可俯瞰游泳池的陽光房。樓上設有一間很棒的娛樂室,配有工業級不銹鋼廚房,包括 Wolf 系列和 Sub-Zero,以及一間帶連接浴室的臥室和兩間額外的臥室。環繞式陽台可欣賞壯觀的景色。一間臥室套房位於車庫層,設有獨立入口。這套房子非常適合那些尋求一個安靜、私密的地方作為大院或度假勝地的人,並且有權/使用拉科斯塔海灘俱樂部。

This elegant beach front residence is a one of a kind masterpiece. Expertly crafted down to the last exquisite detail, this beautifully appointed property is located on prestigious Carbon Beach with e

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This impeccably designed modern Malibu beach oasis is located on 60 feet of prestigious Carbon Beach frontage. World-renowned interior designer, Trip Hanisch, transformed this home into absolute parad

Villa Encantada," a dramatic ocean view estate located in a prime close-in location above La Costa Beach in a gated community and is on just over an acre of landscaped grounds. This Mediterranean home

Is it all about the glorious panorama of the Pacific, or the soothing comfort of your new home? Whether you are in the living room, the bedroom, or the expansive deck, you can observe dolphin, whales