公寓 在 班卡爾, 黎剎 购买
Rizal Tower 是羅克韋爾中心最高端的項目之一,位於開發項目的西區,採用獨特的圓柱形建築。這間豪華公寓樓高 47 層,提供寬敞的三臥室單元,配有鑲木地板、大理石飾面、男女淋浴間和水槽、步入式衣櫥、客用化妝間,以及可欣賞壯麗景色的落地窗城市的。其便利設施包括游泳池、圖書館、多功能廳、直升機停機坪、通往鄰近 Power Plant 購物中心的通道和三個鬱鬱蔥蔥的熱帶花園。 Thsi 單位出售是沒有家具的。
One of the most high-end projects in Rockwell Center, Rizal Tower is situated in the West Block section of the development and features a distinctive cylindrical architecture. Rising 47 stories high,

One of the most high-end projects in Rockwell Center, Rizal Tower is situated in the West Block section of the development and features a distinctive cylindrical architecture. Rising 47 stories high,
One of the most high-end projects in Rockwell Center, Rizal Tower is situated in the West Block section of the development and features a distinctive cylindrical architecture. Rising 47 stories high,

One of the newest condo developments to rise in Rockwell Center, 50-story Edades Towers and Garden Villas is designed with a modern luxurious finish. It boasts unique unit cuts: a one-bedroom flat wit

Located at Rockwell Center's West Block, Amorsolo Square is composed of two towers (East and West). This unit for sale has one bedroom and is fully furnished.
Located at Rockwell Center's West Block, Amorsolo Square is composed of two towers (East and West). This unit for sale has one bedroom and is fully furnished.