公寓 在 Kalkara, 卡爾卡拉 购买
KALKARA:得益於其獨特的海濱位置,俯瞰著清澈見底的地中海,這一新開發項目提供了無與倫比的豪華住宿、辦公室、零售空間、絕佳景觀和社區設施。該開發項目由分佈在 8 個街區的近 370 個單元組成,包括 1/2/3 居室公寓、複式公寓和頂層公寓等多種組合,所有住宅均精裝修,尺寸、佈局和朝向都有多種選擇。 這套精心規劃的十一樓公寓包括一個開放式廚房/起居/用餐區,通向一個轉角的前露台和一間帶連接浴室的主臥室。竣工日期:2023 年。
<span style="font-size: 14px;">KALKARA: Benefiting from its unique seafront location overlooking the crystal clear Mediterranean Sea, is this new development offering an
KALKARA: Benefiting from its unique seafront location overlooking the crystal clear Mediterranean Sea, is this new development offering an unparalleled mix of luxury accommodation, offic
KALKARA: Benefiting from its unique seafront location overlooking the crystal clear Mediterranean Sea, is this new development offering an unparalleled mix of luxury accommodation, offic
KALKARA: Benefiting from its unique seafront location overlooking the crystal clear Mediterranean Sea, is this new development offering an unparalleled mix of luxury accommodation, offic
KALKARA: Benefiting from its unique seafront location overlooking the crystal clear Mediterranean Sea, is this new development offering an unparalleled mix of luxury accommodation, offic
KALKARA: Benefiting from its unique seafront location overlooking the crystal clear Mediterranean Sea, is this new development offering an unparalleled mix of luxury accommodation, offic