房地產 在 Kagithane, 伊斯坦布爾 购买
有機會在伊斯坦布爾市中心著名的 Kagithane 區擁有獨特的公寓,這個充滿活力的地區將城市與它的兩側調和 連接伊斯坦布爾不同地區的所有類型的交通工具也為其提供了便利 昔日奧斯曼帝國蘇丹的避暑勝地,因其廣闊的綠地和美麗的自然風光,至今仍吸引著每一個人在大自然的懷抱中尋求舒適與寧靜 今天,它是伊斯坦布爾市對投資者最具吸引力的地區之一,尤其是靠近伊斯坦布爾機場、西西里和塔克西姆以及 Mecidiyeköy 地鐵線 投資這個項目是對伊斯坦布爾市中心的投資,擁有迷人的全景。 確保您對綜合住宅區進行成功和安全的投資。憑藉其現代現代的外觀和優雅的建築、堅固的建築、精緻的室內設計以及全天候滿足居民需求的所有服務。 它靠近著名的 Safir Tower 和許多購物中心,例如 Cevahir Mall、Ozdilek 等 該綜合體由一座 15 層高的 L 形建築組成,擁有不同大小的公寓,它包含 195 套公寓,可以欣賞到大都市的全景。 每層包含13間不同類型的公寓(1+1),(1+2)
Modern designs,large spaces and gorgeous views of The Bosphorus and Galata Tower with the beauty of Istanbul, all of that at our project The project is located at the European section of Istanbul,
LIVE LUXURY IN A HEALTHY WAY WITH HEALTHY HOMES IN NİŞANTAŞI The growing demand for ultra-modern luxury apartment projects testament to the fact that buyers are looking for more than just four walls a

This project is an exceptional opportunity for investment and a high and guaranteed return With its world-class architectural design, ideally location in one of the finest neighborhoods in the heart

It is in the heart of Istanbul in the NiŞANTAŞI district, which is considered one of the most important centre of commercial and social life Currently in Turkey. This central location, which is charac
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LIFE IN THE RESIDENCE CENTER! With its park that will make Istanbul breathe, its joyful bistros in indoor and outdoor areas, cafes, restaurants, the brand new Food Hall concept, where dozens of specia