其他 租在 索普尼卡·謝斯維茨卡 薩格勒布,畢業
租賃業務 - 倉庫大廳 685 M2,SESVETE。 該建築由一樓和 9.19 平方米的入口大廳、32.94 平方米的辦公室、203.61 平方米的銷售區和一樓的存儲空間組成195.74 平方米。夾層樓有一個 3.24 平方米的鍋爐房。一樓是帶用餐區 27.96 平方米的廚房、2.80 平方米的服務器機房和 195.74 平方米的倉庫,托盤由叉車提升到倉庫。 該設施建於 2005 年。 大樓總淨可用面積為685.28平方米。 大樓可進出貨車。圍欄內大約有20-30個停車位。圍欄外擁有約8個停車位。建築物四周環繞著2米高的圍欄。該大樓有一個計算機網絡可用於 10 個零工和一個光纖互聯網連接。它可以立即出租。房產中介推薦! I23476
The business center is spread over a plot of 18,000 m2. It consists of a building with a gross area of approx. 7,000 m2 (net 5,000 m2) and 7 prefabricated buildings - hangars, with a total area of

BUSINESS SPACE SESVETA 320 m2, NEW BUILDING, LEASE Office space for rent in a very frequent, excellently connected and recognizable location. The space is located on the first floor of a smaller of

BUSINESS PREMISES FOR RENT SESVETE 290 m2 I24462 Ljudevita Posavskog

Sesvete, office-warehouse business building 320 m2 consists of a large room with a couple of smaller rooms, a bathroom and a kitchen. Parking for several vehicles secured in front of the building.