公寓 在 卡塞拉斯, 里斯本 购买
位於 Alto do Restelo 山坡上的獨家 T4,這是一個歷史悠久的地方,喚起人們對發現的記憶,第六屆水手在出海前祈禱。今天,這是這座城市最尊貴的地區之一。該項目是一座創新建築,擁有最先進的熱控制、聲學、通風、通信和安全技術。從住宅空間到公共區域,一切都被考慮到最小的細節,以提供最大的舒適和優雅。進出眾議院,卓越標誌著差異。從抗衰老的外立面到屋頂露台,配備兩個游泳池、更衣室、羅馬桑拿浴室、健身房和休息區,好品味是不變的。美麗和簡約是所選飾面的秩序之詞,營造出獨特的環境,賦予獨特性,設計標誌著差異。全景是這座城市最令人嘆為觀止的景色。玻璃的透明度與明亮的氛圍相結合,讓人們凝視著孟山都的綠色、廣闊的天空、河流的藍色倒影或里斯本風景如畫的房屋和小巷。從稻草海到辛特拉,天空與塔霍河的完美對話。這一切都得益於獨特的環境:良好的道路通道、學校、大學、綠地、醫院和大型商業區。在這裡,建築和景觀完全平衡。
Exclusive T4 on the hillside of Alto do Restelo, a place of great historical richness, invoking the memory of the discoveries, where the sixthentist sailors prayed before they made to the sea. Today,
Exclusive T4 on the hillside of Alto do Restelo, a place of great historical richness, invoking the memory of the discoveries, where the sixthentist sailors prayed before they made to the sea. Today,
T4 in full the exclusive top of the Restelo, place of great historical wealth, invoking the memory of discoveries, where the 16th century Sailors prayed before making the sea. Today, this is one of th
T4 in full the exclusive top of the Restelo, place of great historical wealth, invoking the memory of discoveries, where the 16th century Sailors prayed before making the sea. Today, this is one of th
Exclusive T4 on the hillside of Alto do Restelo, a place of great historical richness, invoking the memory of the discoveries, where the sixthentist sailors prayed before they made to the sea. Today,
Exclusive T4 on the hillside of Alto do Restelo, a place of great historical richness, invoking the memory of the discoveries, where the sixthentist sailors prayed before they made to the sea. Today,