房子 租在 紐約 紐約
擁有 3 間臥室、3.5 間浴室的業主的三層公寓從客廳層開始,設有通向地板的開放式客廳、餐廳和廚房。起居區有一個帶紅磚環繞的裝飾壁爐,而廚房通向陽光露台,擁有雙高窗戶和天花板、瀑布式用餐島、時尚的大理石檯面和後擋板、定制櫥櫃、別緻的銅固定裝置、一個不銹鋼農舍水槽和一套高端不銹鋼器具。二樓是一個巨大的雜物間、一間洗衣房和一間帶有三扇拱形窗戶的精美主套房、一個步入式衣櫥和一間帶浮動雙梳妝台、黑色大理石牆壁和地板的豪華套間浴室、玻璃封閉的花灑淋浴和獨立爪足浴缸。第二和第三間臥室位於第三層,設有私人壁櫥空間和完美的套間浴室。房子的特點包括令人驚嘆的寬木板硬木地板、中央供暖和製冷、窗戶拱門、窗扇、定制照明、完成的地下室、享有令人難以置信的城市景觀的私人屋頂、業主的三層樓、出租複式公寓和-最先進的安全系統。哈爾西街 734 號是一棟 19 世紀的聯排別墅,坐落在貝德福德-斯圖維森特一處寧靜的住宅區。距各種餐館、酒吧、咖啡館和商店僅幾步之遙,距薩拉託加公園不到兩個街區。附近的地鐵線路包括 A/C/J/Z。

The Angie at 94 Milton Street is located in the heart of the desirable Greenpoint Historic District on a beautiful tree-lined block. This recently gut renovated 8 unit boutique building features loft

This Clinton Hill home is 25 ft x 90 ft, with a lovely rear garden. The first floor has a Montessori School with the 2 upper floors used as rentals. The third floor has 4 bedrooms and the 2nd floor ha

Welcome to this stunning three-unit bay-fronted limestone townhouse on the border of Clinton Hill and Bedford Stuyvesant. This property offers a rare opportunity to own a beautiful and fully renovate

This elegant single-family townhouse is the type of property that rarely becomes available for sale. Perched at the intersection of Clinton Hill and Bedford Stuyvesant, 367 Greene Ave is a simply stu

EXCELLENT INVESTMENT/USER OPPORTUNITY A 20' wide six unit four story mixed use building. The property has a store on the ground floor, which also occupies the basement. The second through the fourth

242 Gates Avenue is an immaculately renovated two family townhouse that blends modern convenience, stunning original detail, and an incredible interplay of light, texture, and design sensibility. The