房子 在 阿吉亞·馬里努達, 帕福斯 购买
這座豪華的 4/5 臥室別墅最初受到當代巴厘島建築的啟發,採用最優質的木材、玻璃和石材飾面,提供了一個寧靜、自然的生活環境,並無縫集成了八個獨立的水景。 進入別墅通過一座橋通向一個宏偉的 3.5 米高的可伸縮前門。別墅的中心是一個 11 米高的海綿狀中央中庭,幾乎連接了別墅的所有區域。一樓是寬敞的起居和用餐區,享有全海景的漂亮書房和帶中央島式工作站的精美現代開放式廚房。 起居區的木製浮動樓梯通向雙胞胎主人套房均設有令人驚嘆的全長窗戶,可充分欣賞海景。配備步入式淋浴間的設備齊全的浴室配有梳妝台、雙石洗臉盆和獨立衛生間。俯瞰中央大堂區並享有地中海美景的吟遊詩人畫廊完成了這一層。 從起居區走樓梯到底層,進入巨大的遊戲和娛樂區.這一層包括兩間更寬敞的套間雙人臥室以及酒窖、健身房、僻靜的庭院花園和獨立的工作室公寓(女傭住宿)。 別墅後部的露台和甲板結合了幾層實心柚木、板岩和水共同提供了一個寧靜的放鬆空間。 物業特色 廚房 套間 游泳池 暖氣 花園 空調 海景 山景
This Amazing Grand villa is located on the highest point of this area, offering fantastic views to the blue Mediterranean Sea and green valley below. Positioned in a prestigious and tranquil locati
This beautifully unique designed villa was constructed in the year of 2016 and can be located on one of the highest points of Aphrodite Hills on the Eastern Plateau. It offers privacy with some ama
Title Deeds are available. This is one of the finest Super-Luxury Villas built to date at the world famous Aphrodite Hills Golf Resort. This Magnificent Villa sits proudly on a huge plot of

This beautifully unique designed villa is located on one of the highest points of Aphrodite Hills on the Eastern Plateau. It offers privacy with some fantastic views over the Mediterranean Sea. The

This amazing Super-Sized Luxury Villa can be located on the highest point of the Western Plateau, offering fantastic uninterrupted views to the deep blue Mediterranean Sea. This Aphrodite Hills Villa
For Sale Detached House in Aphrodite Hills for €4,500,000 This amazing Super-Sized Luxury Villa can be located on the highest point of the Western Plateau, offering fantastic uninterrupte