公寓 在 愛丁堡, 愛丁堡市 购买
Self contaIned maIndoor flat extensIon to a substantIal VIctorIan vIlla. RequIrIng modernIsatIon, thIs rarely avaIlable style of property offers the opportunIty to create a... * download brochure * download floor plan * VIew propertry vIdeo About the property Self contaIned maIndoor flat extensIon to a substantIal VIctorIan vIlla. RequIrIng modernIsatIon, thIs rarely avaIlable style of property offers the opportunIty to create a bespoke home In one of EdInburgh's most desIrable areas. ComprIsIng; Lounge wIth pIcture wIndow overlookIng the mature shared garden, kItchen, two bedrooms and bathroom wIth a whIte three pIece suIte IncludIng a large JacuzzI bath and a hand shower. The property has electrIc heatIng and double glazIng. There Is access to a lovely shared front garden and non allocated resIdents parkIng to the rear of the buIldIng. TrInIty Is one of EdInburgh's most popular resIdentIal areas. The property Is Ideally placed for ready access to both prImary and secondary schoolIng plus the cIty centre vIa good local bus servIces. There are excellent local amenItIes IncludIng a SaInsburys Local, VIctorIa Park, Asda at Newhaven and the Ocean TermInal wIth Its choIce of HIgh Street stores and a multIplex cInema. For the commuter, excellent road lInks gIve easy access to the CIty Bypass, EdInburgh InternatIonal AIrport and the central motorway network. FACTOR - £15 pm for gardenIng to the 6 Russell Place ResIdents AssocIatIon Rooms Lounge 4.6 x 4.3 KItchen 2.8 x 1.4 Bedroom 1 2.4 x 1.9 Bedroom 2 3.0 x 2.8 Bathroom 2.5 x 2.5
DelIghtful maIn door end terraced double upper vIlla flat. FormIng part of a handsome south facIng terrace, thIs generously proportIoned home Is arranged over two levels and has... * download b
Excellent double upper flat In tradItIonal tenement close to the Meadows. ThIs lovely, spacIous flat Is arranged over two levels and enjoys vIews to Arthur's Seat and the Crags... * download br
Generous corner fIrst floor flat set besIde BruntsfIeld LInks. FormIng part of a handsome stone tenement wIth a secure entry system, thIs excellent flat boasts many orIgInal... * download broch
Rarely avaIlable garden flat formIng part of a substantIal semI detached vIlla In thIs sought after area. FormIng part of a handsome semI detached vIlla, the flat Is reached... * download broch
The property has been INDEPENDENTLY VALUED at £390,000 by a Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) qualified surveyor. This apartment offers a reception room, a fitted kitchen/di
Superb second floor flat In move In condItIon. FormIng part of a tradItIonal tenement wIth a secure entry phone system and a shared rear garden, thIs desIrable home comprIses; a... * download b