房子 在 聖安東尼奧斯, 克里蒂 购买
出售 位於克里特島的 320 平方米的 4 層別墅。半地下室包括一間臥室、一間廚房、一間淋浴間、一間健身房、一間遊戲室、一間更衣室。 一樓包括客廳、一個廚房、一個衛生間。 一樓包括3間臥室,2間浴室。 二樓包括一間臥室,一間淋浴間廁所。 有用於熱水、壁爐、空調、暖氣和燒烤區的太陽能電池板。業主將出售家具。大樓有電梯。安裝了報警系統。附加設施包括:停車位、花園、車庫。酒店擁有一個私人使用的游泳池。 以上信息僅基於業主提供給本公司的信息,如有任何印刷錯誤或他的價格變動。 根據 4072/2012 號法律,為了查看該物業,有必要提供我必須在演示協議中註明的您的身份證件和稅號。 地圖上的指示並不表示該物業的確切位置,而是它所在的大致區域。如需任何其他信息,請聯繫我們。
A unique villa for sale in Rethymno Crete. This is the only villa on the island that boasts not only a 60 sqm swimming pool, tennis court, football pitch, fitness room but also a 6 hole private golf c

For sale a luxury villa near Rethymnon. The villa is located in a resort village with a developed infrastructure: wonderful beaches, great restaurants, hotels, cafeterias, as well as interesting histo

A luxury villa for sale in Rethymno Crete with 4 bedrooms and a total surface of 250sqm surrounded by a 300sqm garden with plants and trees, an outdoor dining area with BBQ and a 22sqm swimming pool w

For sale 3-storey house of 362 sq.meters in Crete. The semi-basement consists of living room with kitchen, one shower WC, 3 storerooms. The ground floor consists of one bedroom, living room, one kitc