房子 在 全景, 肯特里基馬其頓 购买
出售 位於塞薩洛尼基的 266 平方米的 3 層房子。半地下室包括一間臥室、帶廚房的客廳、一間浴室。 一樓包括帶廚房的客廳和一間浴室。 一樓有3間臥室,1間浴室。 有一個壁爐和暖氣。物業包括:停車位,花園。 獨立式住宅位於全景區。 以上信息僅基於業主提供給本公司的信息,如有任何印刷錯誤或他的價格變動。 根據 4072/2012 號法律,為了查看該物業,有必要提供我必須在演示協議中註明的您的身份證件和稅號。 地圖上的指示並不表示該物業的確切位置,而是它所在的大致區域。如需任何其他信息,請聯繫我們。
For sale 3-storey villa of 600 sq.meters in Thessaloniki. The semi-basement consists of 2 bedrooms, living room with kitchen, one bathroom, 2 WC, one storeroom. The ground floor consists of 2 bedrooms
We offer for sale a modern Villa in an exclusive area of Thessaloniki. Villa 750 sq m consists of four levels. The first level consists of the living room, gym, bathroom with sauna, Home Cinema, tumbl
For sale 3-storey villa of 680 sq.meters in Thessaloniki. The semi-basement consists of 4 bedrooms, one bathroom, 2 shower WC, 2 storerooms. The ground floor consists of 3 bedrooms, living room with k
For sale 5-storey villa of 700 sq.meters in Thessaloniki. The semi-basement consists of one storeroom. The ground floor consists of one bedroom, living room with kitchen, one kitchen, one shower WC, o
For sale 3-storey house of 300 sq.meters in the suburbs of Thessaloniki. The semi-basement consists of 2 bedrooms, one kitchen, 2 shower WC, one storeroom. The ground floor consists of 2 living rooms
For sale Apartment of 200 sq.meters in Thessaloniki. The apartment is situated on the 2nd floor. It consists of 3 bedrooms, 2 living rooms with kitchen, one kitchen, one bathroom, one WC, 2 storerooms