房子 在 薩默維爾, 馬薩諸塞州 购买
什麼位置!靠近 Ball Square 的 Somervilles 新 Green Line T 站,可輕鬆跳上 Somerville Bike Path 到 Davis Square,從馬貢廣場的有趣酒吧/餐廳/商店沿街即可。寬敞舒適的三層住宅坐落在一個大角落花園中,西南陽光溫暖,春天開花的樹木增強。塗上你的綠拇指,或者在街上幾扇門的地標Patisserie Colette 享用早晨咖啡和可能最好的巧克力羊角麵包放鬆一下!在裡面,您可以享受寬敞的房間,房間裡有很多窗戶和可愛的明亮空間。一樓非常適合聚會,有大客廳、餐廳、廚房、全套浴室、實用的泥房。樓上,三間宜人的臥室和二樓的全套浴室。頂層增加了兩間臥室(家庭辦公室?)和帶水槽和櫥櫃的藝術室。地下室的創意選擇 600+ 平方英尺完成區域:車間、暗室、工作室。車庫和車道 pkg。輕鬆前往塔夫茨大學 93 號公路 Ref: 36775-125361446
Single family house on the Cambridge-Somerville line. Three story house steps to Harvard Divinity school and "Professor's row". Also convenient to shopping, Porter, Harvard and Union Square. Wa
First and second floor of house in Davis square. On a beautiful residential street near Davis Square. Spacious 6 room apartment on two levels. First floor has living room, large eat in kitchen,
Top two floors of 2 family house near Tufts. THIS IS THE BIGGEST 3 bedroom you will see for the $$ this close to the subway. Enormous, with eat in kitchen, living room + dining room and 2 studi
Fully renovated duplex apartment near the T. Top 2 floors of a 3-family house by the Porter T. Located on a quiet residential street but near all the stores. There is an updated kichen and bath
First floor of 2-family house in Magoun Square. Three equal sized bedrooms, spacious kitchen, dining area, living room, deck and two parking spaces. Property ID: 4093 Bedrooms
Top floor of 3 family house. Great apartment. Hardwood floors, laundry in basement, porch, shared yard. Property ID: 2798 Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 1 Available: 06/01/2