房子 在 小屋, 聖瑪麗峽谷 购买
在尼維斯四季度假村俯瞰世界著名的羅伯特·特倫特·瓊斯二世高爾夫球場的 15 號球道,您會在舒適的客廳裡驚嘆於加勒比海波光粼粼的海水。 這座別墅與山坡無縫融合,是位於被稱為尼維斯的寶石中心的現代生活綠洲。打開您的起居室,感受溫暖的熱帶空氣、鬱鬱蔥蔥的環境和鄰近聖基茨的美景。  時尚低調的家具,確保從每個座位都能看到,甚至可以瞥見偶爾經過的猴子。  備受推崇且不易複製的四季服務文化與尼維斯人相結合溫暖和精神是傳奇。  在設備齊全的住宅中無憂無慮地生活;轉化為舒適的四季住宅生活方式,享譽全球。
On a cliff side on the once-remote Southeast Peninsula of St Kitts, sits this villa at Sundace Ridge, a home that will possibly hold your breath at ransom. Island sophistication and

Rare hotel for sale located in Nevis, positioned to take advantage of the Tradewinds. This was place is steeped in history having once been the place at the heart of the slave trade. The form

Luxury 3 bedroom villa located in an elevated position overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea with views of the neighbouring island of Nevis and the hills of St.Kitts.

Impressive 5.7 acre estate with world class views of the sunsets, mountains, rainforest, Qualie Bay, St Kitts peninsula, the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. The different elevations an

Hill top 4 bedroom villa offering a quintessential West Indian style with breathtaking views, located in an elevated position within quiet surroundings. The current talente

The ultimate expression of a Four Seasons Resort Villa within Stewart's Estates, Sugarbird is a home for the senses.  Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the Caribbean island o