房子 在 聖托斯特凡諾港, 托斯卡納 购买
一座突出而獨特的前燈塔,現已改建為一座現代豪華別墅,  位於 位於阿根廷海角的全景位置,距離聖斯特凡諾港不遠。& ;nbsp;這座托斯卡納海岸的房產,總面積 300 平方米,現在有 5 間臥室,周圍環繞著 2.2 公頃的土地,完全景觀化為花園,還可以建造一個直升機停機坪,以便更快、更方便地進入。擁有 大海和托斯卡納群島島嶼的壯麗景色,無論是作為私人住宅還是出租物業,它都是完美的選擇。 這座塔共有三層。一樓有寬敞的起居區,設有開放式廚房和浴室。通過帶鐵欄杆的大理石樓梯,一樓由四間臥室和三間浴室組成。塔樓的上層展示了主臥室,其連接浴室和屋頂上的漂亮全景露台。此外,外面還有一個小型附屬建築,還可以在物業內建造一個方便的直升機停機坪, 燈塔建於 19 世紀下半葉,由 Regia Marina(意大利皇家海軍)建造,作為托斯卡納海岸的控制點。& ;nbsp;多年後的 1959 年 4 月 28 日,意大利政府拍賣了這座燈塔,然後被一名私人購買,打算將其改造成豪宅。該項目從未完成,該建築僅在 2010 年至 2011 年進行了修復。 5 年多來,塔樓按照現代抗震標準完全用鋼筋混凝土重建。外牆用石頭填充,具有出色的隔熱效果,外牆也像原來的建築一樣塗上了灰泥。 
On the incredible cliffs of Argentario, with an unrivaled sea view, we find this beautiful 30.6-hectare estate with vineyards, wine cellar, accommodation business and direct access to the sea. Villas
This stunning waterfront villa is located just outside the town of Porto Santo Stefano, on Mount Argentario. The building (385 sqm) houses 11 bedrooms and 12 bathrooms, split among four independent a
Stunning Villa located in the immediate vicinity of Porto Santo Stefano and with a wonderful Panoramic View with very fascinating architectural and privacy features. Location
in a very panoramic position on the Argentario promontory, not far from Porto Santo Stefano, spectaclar former lighthouse converted into a modern luxury villa. This Tuscan coast property, 300
Charming villa overlooking crystal clear sea of a€‹a€‹Argentario and nestled in the Mediterranean scrub. Once an ancient watchtower, it was expanded in later times to become an important v
On the incredible cliffs of Argentario, with an unrivaled sea view, we find this stunning luxury villa with direct access to the sea. The buildings (385 sqm) offers 6 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms with be