房子 在 特亞, 加泰羅尼亞 购买
壯觀的地中海風格的房子,出售,Teia(巴塞羅那)。擁有無與倫比的位置,位於住宅區,每天 24 小時都有私人保安,非常私密,享有壯觀的山景,寬敞的空間和明亮的光線。房子分佈在兩層樓,在一樓,我們發現一個大廳通向帶大窗戶的大客廳,您可以從那裡欣賞美麗的山景,從同一個房間出口到大門廊和游泳池,我們還可以找到帶獨立洗衣房的舒適實用的廚房。地板上還有帶完整浴室和大更衣室的主人套房,另一間臥室套房和客用衛生間。在二樓,來自一家大型經銷商,有五間朝南的雙人房,其中四間可通往大露台並享有美妙的海景,一間套房,兩間浴室和適合家庭使用的大閣樓房。這棟在 Teia 待售的房子,有一個舒適而實用的花園,在大型海水游泳池旁邊有燒烤設施。三輛車的車庫。在它的附加功能中,我們可以強調,石灰華大理石,周邊報警器,客廳空調,地暖燃氣加熱,Agata Ruiz de la Prada 浴室瓷磚,鋁木工,安全百葉窗,玻璃和最高安全性的窗戶,裝甲門等......這所房子距離國際學校 10 分鐘路程,毗鄰巴塞羅那網球俱樂部和 Pich &推桿,交通便利,附近有商店。 - 內置警報 - 加固門 - 下水道 - 燒烤 - 互聯網
Fantastic high standing property for sale in Teia, close to the downtown and all services.The property was completely renovated in 2019, it consists of 1,020 m2 built on a 6,200 m2 plot surrounded by

Luxury property for sale located in a private residential area, 20 Kms away from Barcelona, in Teia. Both indoors and outdoors have been provided all kinds of details, making it unique in the area an

Fantastic high standing house located in absolute privacy in Teia with beautiful mountain and sea views. The 1020 sq.m property was completely renovated in 2019 and is distributed over one fl

Luxury house located in a private urbanisation in one of the best residential areas in Teia, with incredible sea and city views. Situated a few minutes from the centre of the town and the ci

Spectacular Mediterranean style house, for sale or for rent, Teia (Barcelona). With an unbeatable location, in residential area with private security 24 hours a day, very private and with spectacular

Its design, functionality and careful details achieve maximum well-being in this property for sale in Teia; Its magnificent location and orientation give it incredible views. We can describe this prop