房子 在 特倫茨, 聖詹姆斯 购买
回到您在 Cove Springs 的熱帶避風港,這是巴巴多斯在該地區最令人垂涎的沿海地產之一。隱藏在珊瑚懸崖上的 7 臥室主樓擁有寬敞的套房、最先進的健身中心、媒體室以及多個室內和室外起居和用餐空間。擁有獨立的三居室客房,以及巨大的露台、度假村風格的泳池區和私人海灘通道,這裡有足夠的空間供朋友和家人放鬆身心,並在其中找到自己的海灘幸福這個廣闊的,獨一無二的加勒比海度假勝地。 Cove Spring豪宅採用珊瑚石設計,代表加勒比貴族的標誌。它的帕拉第奧/格魯吉亞開放式建築巧妙地捕捉了島嶼的內在美,最大限度地利用了自然光,並讓信風為房屋降溫。 豪宅坐落在珊瑚懸崖頂上,俯瞰著雄偉的加勒比海。緊靠懸崖底部的是一個僻靜的海灘,只有 Cove Spring 豪宅才有私人通道。整個酒店四周環繞著鬱鬱蔥蔥的綠色植物,提供獨特的隱私和原始美景。 豪宅的城堡式建築與精緻的室內設計和高級時裝家具相得益彰,營造出獨特的環境,成為 Cove Spring 體驗的核心。高雅的奢華、無微不至的服務和員工、美味的菜單、專屬的隱私和極致的放鬆。 - 豪華的 10 臥室莊園 - 精緻的室內設計 - 令人嘆為觀止的全景海景 - 大型游泳池
Located on the exclusive Platinum Coast of Barbados, Platinum Bay is a highly sought-after luxury development offering five immaculate beachfront villas, each with its own uninterrupted view of one of

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New luxury villa, currently under construction, located at the world-renowned Royal Westmoreland, on one of the finest ridge plots to become available on the west coast in the last 25 years,

One Caribbean Estates is proud to offer for sale Royal Westmoreland Tatters. The opportunity of a lifetime. Currently under construction at the world-renowned Royal Westmoreland, 'Tatter

Octopus Garden is an incredible beachfront property on the famed Platinum Coast of Barbados. This 1.25 acre site with 60 feet of prime beach frontage where the white coral sand beach meets the crysta

Luxury 6 bedroom villa located on the prestigious Sandy Lane Estate overlooking the third fairway of the Old Nine Golf Course at Sandy Lane and the Caribbean sea. <p&g