公寓 在 坎昆, 金塔納羅奧州 购买
位於墨西哥金塔納羅奧州莫雷洛斯港的 16 套公寓大樓,俯瞰大海。一個與自然相連的簡單樂趣的地方。一個度過無盡夏日的絕佳機會,距離海灘僅幾步之遙。家外之家,周圍環繞著寧靜的環境,擁有您應得的生活方式。 公寓 - 類型 1 609 平方英尺 / 56.6 平方米 • 1 間完整的浴室 • 廚房 • 客廳空間 和臥室 • 二樓的海景 設施 • 享有海景的屋頂泳池和浴室 • 陽台 • 酒吧 • 停車場 • 倉庫 立即致電,不要錯過機會 有興趣參觀嗎?我們提供: - 面對面的約會 - 視頻聊天約會 我們將為您聯繫當地代理,他們可以親自或通過視頻聊天之旅為您提供服務 在 PALMA REAL ESTATE,我們為自己的專業精神感到自豪
It is a new project undertaken by business leaders with a vision for the future that pushes the boundaries of luxury, sustainability, design and cutting-edge development. Imagin
It is a new project undertaken by business leaders with a vision for the future that pushes the boundaries of luxury, sustainability, design and cutting-edge development. Imagin
It is a new project undertaken by business leaders with a vision for the future that pushes the boundaries of luxury, sustainability, design and cutting-edge development. Imagin
It is a new project undertaken by business leaders with a vision for the future that pushes the boundaries of luxury, sustainability, design and cutting-edge development. Imagin
It is a new project undertaken by business leaders with a vision for the future that pushes the boundaries of luxury, sustainability, design and cutting-edge development. Imagin
Discover a unique opportunity in Cancun, the paradise destination par excellence! Our beautiful apartments adapt to your needs and offer you an unparalleled experience of architecture, innovation, and