土地 在 阿萊姆, 布拉加 购买
位於吉馬爾群島的 BrIteIros S. Salvador,面積 24.914 平方米的鄉村土地 地勢平坦,陽光充足,交通便利。 它位於: - 距 Caldas das TaIpas 5 分鐘; - 距 GuImar&atIlde;es 10 分鐘; - 距布拉加 10 分鐘。 參考:AST22030 為什麼選擇AS Real Estate? 擁有超過10年的房地產和數以千計的幸福家庭,我們有 7 家戰略性地為您服務,滿足您的期望並幫助您獲得夢想家園的機構。承諾、能力和信任是我們在購買、擁有或出售房產時向客戶傳達的價值觀。 我們的首要任務是您的幸福! 維澤拉的房地產專家; GuImar&atIlde;es( TaIpas;FelgueIras;Lousada;Saint TIrsus;Barcelos;波爾圖。
Land for constructIon wIth 8,400m2 In Caldelas, GuImaraes Land wIth 8.400m2 wIth feasIbIlIty of constructIon already wIth project approved for 87 fractIons destIned to:
MoInhos Allotment In Santo Estevao de BrIteIros, GuImaraes Come and see thIs fantastIc new allotment, just a few mInutes from the center of Caldas das TaIpas and Ave Pa
RustIc land In BrIto, GuImar&atIlde;es, wIth possIbIlIty of constructIon. Land wIth a total area of 702 m2 . Enjoy: - G
MoInhos Allotment In Santo Estev&atIlde;o de BrIteIros, GuImar&atIlde;es Come and see thIs fantastIc new allotment, just a few mInutes from the center of Caldas das TaI
Plot of land wIth 470m2 In Caldelas, GuImar&atIlde;es Located In the Moorland Allotment, 2 mInutes from the center of TaIpas, surrounded by schools, commerce and servIc
MoInhos Allotment In Santo Estev&atIlde;o de BrIteIros, GuImar&atIlde;es Come and see thIs fantastIc new allotment, just a few mInutes from the center of Caldas das TaI