公寓 在 蘭貝斯, 蘭貝斯 购买
高達 50 層的達馬克塔九榆樹是倫敦南岸天際線的一座雕像。當代建築將石材、赤土陶器和玻璃融合在一個獨特的設計中,而室內設計則是與 Versace Home 合作製作的——這是這位豪華設計師與倫敦新住宅物業的首次合作。塔樓提供一居室、兩居室和三居室的奢華倫敦待售公寓以最高標準完成,帶有可欣賞全景的特殊“冬季花園”。卓越的設施以范思哲為特色,包括令人印象深刻的大堂、俯瞰屋頂花園的居民休息室和位於 23 樓的游泳池和可欣賞倫敦遠景的健身房。
Power Bespoke are extremely delighted to present the world class, DAMAC Tower with an exclusive partnership with Versace Home. It stands proudly within Nine Elms and has been carefully designed to cre
Power Bespoke are extremely delighted to present the world class, DAMAC Tower with an exclusive partnership with Versace Home. It stands proudly within Nine Elms and has been carefully designed to cre
Power Bespoke are extremely delighted to present the world class, DAMAC Tower with an exclusive partnership with Versace Home. It stands proudly within Nine Elms and has been carefully designed to cre
DAMAC Tower represents the first collaboration between the world-renowned design label and a residential property in London. In an exclusive partnership with Versace Home - the global symbol of glamou

It is located amidst the Nine Elms district that includes the new American Embassy, The Netherlands Embassy, Battersea Power Station and the new Covent Garden Market. With fashionable Chelsea acro

It is located amidst the Nine Elms district that includes the new American Embassy, The Netherlands Embassy, Battersea Power Station and the new Covent Garden Market. With fashionable Chelsea acro