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歡迎來到 Metropica,一個 400 萬平方英尺的總體規劃社區。它位於西布勞沃德縣,將最好的城市生活帶入鬱鬱蔥蔥的熱帶環境中。 Metropica 擁有令人驚嘆的現代建築、豪華住宅、購物、餐飲和娛樂的高端目的地,以及一系列高科技設施,將城市生活與奢華文化完美融合。風景優美的自行車道和跑步道與開闊的綠色空間、互動藝術和優雅的水景創造了生動的聯繫。受南海灘啟發的海灘俱樂部、網球場和健身與健康設施等眾多共享設施,營造出度假風格的氛圍。每個單獨的塔樓都配備了自己的海水游泳池和別緻的室內空間,居民可以在那裡玩耍、放鬆並與朋友和家人聯繫。完整的 24/7 服務確保對每一個願望的無懈可擊的關注。 Metropica 距離住宅大樓僅幾步之遙,在歡樂的環境中提供各種高端零售商店和餐廳。美食市場和咖啡館等日常便利設施散佈著一流的餐廳、時尚精品店和滿足各種興趣的商店。無論您是想簡單地欣賞大沼澤地國家公園和 Metropica 佔地 4 英畝的中央公園的壯麗景色,還是想騎自行車或步行探索它們,Metropica 周圍的自然美景都會為每一天帶來特殊的歡樂。在附近的公園(包括萬錦公園)遠足,或在該地區的五個專業高爾夫球場之一度過一天,為您提供更多陶醉於戶外活動的機會。遍布 Metropica 室外空間的先進 WiFi 可確保您的所有數字設備都能正常工作,無論您是外出跑步、購物還是在泳池邊放鬆身心。其他室內高科技功能包括智能家居技術的預接線、用於控制建築系統的 Metropica 應用程序,以及從電動汽車到手機和筆記本電腦等各種設備的充電站。
Stunning waterfront home in The Estates at The Residences of Sawgrass Mills showcases extensive upgrades (almost $200k) featuring 3 bedrooms in a split floorplan, 2 newly remodeled bathrooms (1 Caban

Beautifully maintained, one owner, amazing space! This custom home was built out to the max toward the sidewalk and both east & west sides, as per code, leaving plenty of yard & offering an extremely

LEASEBACK PROGRAM BENEFITS: The Developer will leaseback the residence from the owner during a period of 24 months. The owner will receive a NET RETURN of 5% per year based on the purchase price.
Beautiful Pool home on an oversized corner lot with great features. New diamond bright finish & an expanded pavered pool deck, great for entertaining. Shadowbox wood privacy fence w/wide gate, perfec

Welcome to Sunrise, a vibrant and welcoming neighborhood known for its family-friendly atmosphere and bustling community life. Located in the heart of Florida, Sunrise offers a perfect blend of suburb

Renovated single family home with 2 spacious bedrooms and 2 bathrooms in Sunrise Golf Village. Enjoy the outdoors with large well maintained fully fenced yard, covered patio perfect for kids, pets an