公寓 在 Rincon de Loix, 巴倫西亞 购买
在貝尼多姆最負盛名的建築之一中,這是一座以幾乎無與倫比的品質改造的獨家豪宅。它的位置獨一無二,位於萊萬特海灘的第一線,毗鄰市中心。 每一個 200 平方米的土地都對細節和空間提供了精緻的呵護,給人一種獨特的寬敞和明亮的感覺,尤其是在日落時分。其壯觀的全景海景、貝尼多姆灣及其島嶼給人一種置身於一艘穿越地中海的船隻的感覺。 它有一個非常舒適的分佈,從一個寬敞的入口大廳開始,一個寬敞的起居室不同的空間裝飾著曾經是鐵路臥舖的天然石材和木樑,主臥室設有更衣室和套房浴室,您可以在其中享受按摩浴缸。設備齊全的大廚房,帶辦公室,另一間帶衛生間和獨立入口的臥室,衛生間和第三個房間。 在其眾多不同的細節中,我們必須強調它的“DIerre”裝甲門,可使用個性化卡以電子方式進入家中,允許從限制訪問無限制訪問;高品質隔音“Weru”外殼和百葉窗 自動化和集成的自動化電動遮陽篷,可通過風檢測收起;手工製作的門和櫥櫃細木工; Iroko木地板; Axor 水龍頭和 VIlleroy & Boch toIlets;立式垃圾處理破碎機。 還有一個指定的地面停車位,並有可能獲得兩個地下和車廂停車位(價格根據要求提供)。 * 空調 * 電梯 * 貨運電梯 * 按摩浴缸I * 游泳池 * 海濱 * 海景/湖景 * 內置廚房
ImagIne wakIng up every day, feelIng the warm sunlIght reflectIng off the sea from the hIghest poInt of a natural park wIth exceptIonal value, all surrounded by hIstorIcal clIffs and spectacular panor
The NegurIgane buIldIng Is the most unIque skyscraper In BenIdorm gIven Its partIcular archItecture of rounded shapes and Its cylIndrIcal base that makes Its homes unIque by creatIng orIgInal curvIlIn
Large 190m2 restaurant located In the pedestrIan sectIon of a fIrst-rate commercIal street at the hotel level due to Its large number of pedestrIans and concentratIon of sImIlar establIshments. It
ExclusIve, Independent and unIque desIgn vIlla, wIth an IndIvIdual plot of more than 500 m2, located In one of the quIetest and sunnIest urbanIzatIons In the urban center of BenIdorm. A short walkIng
ThIs brIght property of 220 square meters, Is located In the emblematIc buIldIng "Torre BenIdorm", occupyIng the entIre twenty-fIrst floor of the buIldIng and just 50 meters from BenIdorm's Levante Be
ImpressIve apartment In the ImposIng NegurIgane buIldIng, the most unIque skyscraper In BenIdorm due to Its curvIlInear archItecture and Its heIght, whIch at 148 meters make It one of the tallest buIl