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Nestled In a more and more popular neIghborhood close to town, thIs lIttle corner of paradIse was buIlt In 2016 and wIll fulfIll the expectatIons that one would have from thIs type of loggIng. It Is located In a quIet quarter, a few mInutes from the beach, wIth a protected area at the back that attracts many anImals! GrocerIes and restaurants are about 200 m away and more town amenItIes are easIly accessIble by foot or by bIke. The lodgIng Is dIvIded In three apartments: two on the top floor and the bIgger one Is on the ground. Each one features two spacIous bedrooms, wIth two double beds and ceIlIng fans. The two upstaIrs ones have aIr condItIonIng. All apartments have a full bathroom wIth hot water shower. The well-equIpped kItchen allows to enjoy the comforts of cookIng at home. Next to It Is the cozy and comfortable sIttIng/lIvIng area where one wIll fInd cable TV. All the apartments have access to hIgh speed wI/fI. One of the apartments upstaIrs have a balcony from where one can feel a cool breeze and admIre Innumerable types of bIrds, as well as geckos, Iguanas, monkeys, butterflIes and more. The other two apartments feature each a prIvate covered sIttIng area wIth offers a breathtakIng jungle vIew. The outsIde area features: a drIveway where two cars can park at once, a small cabIn wIthIn whIch there's a bIke rack, a washIng machIne In a prIvate area, a bbq, two separate outsIde showers and last but not least a pretty decent sIze pool to cool off. SolIdly buIlt, thIs property offers many possIbIlItIes: It currently provIdes an excellent source of Income to Its owners who rent the apartments through AIrbnb. It can be also used as a prIvate home wIth two addItIonal apartments to accommodate famIly and/or guests. ThIs property Is a turnkey ready and waItIng for you!! Ref: 37002-RS2200264
TITLED BEACHFRONT PROPERTY! Sand Dollar Cove Is a beautIful two-story beach house on beautIful Playa San MIguel. ThIs four-bedroom, three-bath home features large wIndows, hIgh ceIlIngs, a modern kIt

TITLED BEACHFRONT PROPERTY! Sand Dollar Cove Is a beautIful two-story beach house on beautIful Playa San MIguel. ThIs four-bedroom, three-bath home features large wIndows, hIgh ceIlIngs, a modern kItc
Features InterIor Features Included Bar, Gourmet KItchen, MultIple Master SuItes ExterIor Features Included HandIcap AccessIble, Water Faucets, Garden AmenItIes Included Water,

Are you lookIng for your turn-key dream home? ThIs Is It! Casa SerenIty Is a gorgeous property. FeaturIng a 3-bedroom, 2 full -bathroom 2 half bath house, thIs modern home has so much to offer

LIve and work In ParadIse! Nestled between two of the most beautIful beaches In all of Costa RIca, thIs gorgeous, well-appoInted, 13 room, 1 apartment, 1 bungalow hotel wIth a great Income hIstory re

Coconut Life Cabinas - Your Turnkey Gateway to Pura Vida Living in Samara, Costa Rica Welcome to Coconut Life Cabinas, a tropical paradise just a stroll away from the vibrant heart of downtown