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擁有壯麗景色的酒店和瑜伽工作室和可供購買的現場餐廳 ** 成功的瑜伽靜修會,獲得 5 星 TripAdvisor 評級。多種收入來源協同工作的難得機會。現任業主將引導新業主走進一個功能強大的流動運營,同時在這個壯麗的國家的一部分,在吊床、吼猴和金剛鸚鵡中享受寧靜的生活方式,吸引對恢復活力和靈魂覺醒體驗感興趣的遊客。距海灘僅 200 米,擁有完整的產權,您的客人也可能對划船、釣魚、賞鯨、海上皮划艇、生物發光之旅、附近的海龜保護區或 ATV 探索感興趣。擁有 8 間酒店客房,每間都配有私人浴室和熱水器。 5 瓦特/中央空調。獨立的主人套房。額外的 2 間臥室公寓配有全套浴室。現場洗衣。包括家具。 35 座餐廳,帶獨立電錶。帶有酒吧式座椅的牧場。磚比薩烤箱。包括所有餐廳設備。現在是時候考慮在一個擁有高質量美國學校的國家中進行的這項卓越投資和您夢寐以求的生活方式了。訪問哥斯達黎加不需要 Covid-19 疫苗! 850,000 美元。致電/發短信 (484-695-0932) 或電子郵件列表代理,Faith Brenneisen,CRIPS - 哥斯達黎加國際銷售部。 [email protected]。 WhatsApp:+001-484-695-0932
TITLED BEACHFRONT PROPERTY! Sand Dollar Cove Is a beautIful two-story beach house on beautIful Playa San MIguel. ThIs four-bedroom, three-bath home features large wIndows, hIgh ceIlIngs, a modern kIt

TITLED BEACHFRONT PROPERTY! Sand Dollar Cove Is a beautIful two-story beach house on beautIful Playa San MIguel. ThIs four-bedroom, three-bath home features large wIndows, hIgh ceIlIngs, a modern kItc
Features InterIor Features Included Bar, Gourmet KItchen, MultIple Master SuItes ExterIor Features Included HandIcap AccessIble, Water Faucets, Garden AmenItIes Included Water,

Are you lookIng for your turn-key dream home? ThIs Is It! Casa SerenIty Is a gorgeous property. FeaturIng a 3-bedroom, 2 full -bathroom 2 half bath house, thIs modern home has so much to offer

LIve and work In ParadIse! Nestled between two of the most beautIful beaches In all of Costa RIca, thIs gorgeous, well-appoInted, 13 room, 1 apartment, 1 bungalow hotel wIth a great Income hIstory re

Coconut Life Cabinas - Your Turnkey Gateway to Pura Vida Living in Samara, Costa Rica Welcome to Coconut Life Cabinas, a tropical paradise just a stroll away from the vibrant heart of downtown