公寓 在 Kala Nera, 色薩利 购买
房地產經紀人:Sianos-Papageorgiou 團隊的 Dimos Chatzis 成員。 我們集團獨家提供,出售 Kato Gatzea 地區的兩套小別墅。總面積230平方米的物業。坐落在一片長滿橄欖樹的五英畝土地上。由於它們是為私人住宅建造的,因此它們建於 2008 年,採用優質材料。 在地塊上有足夠的停車位空間。它擁有 Pagasitic 海灣的絕佳視野,未來沒有任何被阻擋的可能性。 這些房屋距離大海 200 米,距離 Kato Gatzea 定居點 1,000 米,距離 Kato Gatzea 定居點 12,000 米沃洛斯市。 Kato Gatzea 是 Pagasitikos 河畔的一個海濱定居點。它距沃洛斯僅 15 公里,距米利斯僅 5 公里。在這裡,您會發現皮立翁山一些最美麗的海灘。近年來,經過溫和的旅遊發展,它已發展成為西皮立翁山的非凡度假勝地,吸引了更廣泛地區遊客的興趣。
Real estate agent: Chatzis Dimos, member of Sianos-Papageorgiou team. Available exclusively from our team for sale in the area of Kato Gatzea Maisonette with a total area of 115 sq.m. Th

Property Code: 25300-7747 - Building FOR SALE in Milies Kala Nera for €263.000. This 128 sq. m. Building is built on the Ground floor and features 3 Bedrooms, 2 Livingrooms, 3 Kitchens, 3 Ba

Tziafetas Nikolaos - Real Estate Consultant - member of the #NTteam real estate team (Theodoridis Nikolaos, Liakos Konstantinos) - Pelion - Koropi: Available for sale - exclusively - two-level mai

Real estate agent: Dimos Chatzis member of Sianos-Papageorgiou team. Available exclusively from our team for sale in the area of Kato Gatzea Maisonette with a total area of 115 sq.m. The

Real estate investment consultant Tziafetas Nikolaos - member of the real estate team #NTteam (Theodoridis Nikolaos, Liakos Konstantinos, Metaftsis Georgios) - Magnesia - Pelion - Zervohia: We wel

Pilio-Milies - Kato Gatzea: For Sale Apartment, 113 sq.m., Property Status: Needs partial renovation, Floor: 2nd floor, 3 Bedrooms (1 Master), 1 Kitchen(s), 1 Bathroom(s), 1 WC, Heating: None, Bui