其他 租在 迪拜 杜拜伊
安裝隔斷辦公室 |湖景辦公室 |可入住 房產詳情: Jumeirah Lakes Towers X3 Tower 辦公空間 已裝修 湖景 租金:80000/- AED 聯繫方式了解更多詳情位於 0557932913。 Jumeirah Bay X3 位於 Jumeirah Lake Towers (JLT),這是住宅和商業增長最快的自由區。一座公園和三個人工設計的湖泊環繞著這座塔。多年來,這種觀點增加了對該物業的需求。 Jumeirah Bay X3 由 55 層樓、健身設施、零售店、食品店、咖啡館和電梯組成。它還包含一個符合高質量標準的安全系統。該建築的其他特色包括衛星連接和 24 小時禮賓服務。 朱美拉湖塔 (JLT) 是一個由 26 個集群組成的大型開發區。所有的集群都以英文字母命名,從集群 A 到集群 Z,目前有 80 個塔。根據 Bayut 的 2019 年上半年迪拜房地產市場報告,JLT 以其在迪拜其他地區的負擔能力而聞名。無論是寫字樓、住宅公寓還是商舖,與附近的其他樓宇相比,購買價格更實惠。三個湖泊(名為 Lake Almas West、Lake Almas East 和 JLT Lake)和該地區周圍的一個大公園。 Jumeirah Bay X3 由 Missak Properties 開發。 Missak Properties 早在 2001 年就開始運營,作為對企業銀行集團的支持服務。該公司贏得了阿聯酋最佳房地產管理和租賃服務提供商之一的稱號。他們在阿聯酋各地設有辦事處,利用最先進的綜合計劃來滿足多種企業需求。除了 Jumeirah Bay X3,Mismak 物業還開發了著名的建築,如綠洲的 Springs 和 Opal Tower。截至 2019 年,該公司正在阿布扎比開展多個項目...
Exclusively listed with Premier Estates. A brand new ultra luxurious whole building in the Burj Downtown District. The building comprises of luxury townhouses, retail shops and apartment
Exclusively listed with Premier Estates. A brand new ultra-luxurious full building in the Burj Downtown District. The building comprises of luxury townhouses, retail shops and apartments
Exclusively listed with Christies International Premier Estates. A brand new ultra-luxurious whole building in the Burj Downtown District. The building comprises luxury townhouses, retail s
Exclusively listed with Premier Estates. A brand new Ultra-Luxurious Full Building in the Burj Downtown District. The building comprises of luxury townhouses, retail shops and apartments
Exclusively listed with Premier Estates. A brand new ultra-luxurious whole building in the Burj Downtown District. The building comprises of luxury townhouses, retail shops and apartment
A fabulous opportunity to purchase a Full Building in the prestigious District One Community with uninterrupted views of the Crystal Lagoon: 162 apartments Superb floor