房子 在 里斯本, 里斯本 购买
“獨棟別墅,現代建築,位於里斯本,建築面積 700 平方米,可欣賞河流全景。 這座別墅是里斯本最高檔的住宅區,也被稱為使館區,代表了當代建築干預的一個顯著例子。 這是里斯本真正獨一無二的選擇,這座標誌性的 5 層建築與外部有著緊密的聯繫,採光充足,朝南,與現有地形和植被完美共生。它與周圍的綠地和游泳池形成鮮明對比,由著名的 Nini Andrade Silva 設計項目。 我們應該注意到以線條和差異化元素為標誌的大型室內空間,專門設計以適應每個空間,從而產生各種環境,儘管通過線條、顏色和形狀統一起來,賦予這種獨特的連貫性和和諧建造。 從甲板到屋頂,在陽台、露台和空中花園、社交區和休息區之間探索流動性和深度的概念。 多功能性貫穿於整個空間。所有房間都可以重新創建以適應業主的個人品味。這允許選擇理想的佈局,而不會損害創始概念的基本前提——奢華、舒適和幅度。” Ref: PP15001 樓盤特色 別墅 游泳池 5 間臥室 7 間浴室 空調 花園 暖氣 車庫 地下停車場 健身房 儲藏室 學校附近
Here we have a magnificent 18th-century palace with luxurious living conditions, located in the city of Lisbon. Tradition says that King D. João V, the Magnanimous, living a life of op
In Lisbon, at the epicenter of the city's most cultural and popular district, this new building is rising to become an icon of comfort and luxury. The building is directly connected to the Tagus pedes

The history of this space is closely related to the history of its owners and residents. It was they who, over the years have influenced the estate since its foundation up to this day, by building, re
We're in the Restelo neighbourhood. The view of Restelo is magnificent, covering the south bank of the Tejo, with the Cristo-Rei, the 25 de Abril Bridge, the sea of straw and the mouth

The stunning villa stands out on a plot of 710 sqm in the exclusive Restelo district. The district is a quiet zone, near the Monsanto Forest Park. The grand estates of Lisbon are in Restelo, known as