房子 在 萬寶路, 紐約 购买
當您進入這個裝修精美的住宅時,您絕對會感到驚訝。華麗寬敞的客廳設有高聳的天花板、硬木地板和磚壁爐。寬敞而私密的用餐區舖有硬木地板,非常適合家庭節日。廚房是如此完整和精心規劃,這對任何廚師來說都是一個靈感。廚房旁邊是一間美妙、明亮的 4 季房間,牆壁上裝有窗戶。巨大的主人套房洋溢著溫暖和舒適的氣息。它的特點是,高天花板、帶加熱毛巾架的全套浴室、非常大的步入式衣櫃和通往較低樓層的電梯。主人曾經有兩間臥室,後來開放,形成了現在的非常大的臥室。第二間臥室設有強化木地板、全套浴室和兩個步入式衣櫃。樓下可能有第三間臥室。寬敞的低層家庭房設有瓷磚地板、帶顆粒爐插件的磚壁爐和 2 套通向美麗露台的滑塊。下層有一個大小合適的洗衣房/半浴室。後面的混凝土走道是加熱的。房屋於 2012 年進行了翻修,包括許多內部設施以及屋頂、壁板、窗戶、爐子和發電機。井泵7-8年前更換過。物業水平不錯,非常適合戶外活動。家居秀美極了!不要錯過這個! 參考號:36112-H6167572
You will be absolutely amazed when you enter this Beautifully updated home. Magnificent spacious living room with soaring ceiling, hardwood flooring and brick fireplace. Roomy but intimate dining area
Wonderfull mid-century 3 level split in country setting. Living room features a bow window, vaulted ceiling, hardwood floors plus a natural stone gas fireplace, This opens to a tiled floor dining are
Nestled along the west bank of the Hudson River, historic Marlboro NY is home to multiple properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places, superb farms, orchards, and wineries. Originall
Nestled along the west bank of the Hudson River, historic Marlboro NY is home to multiple properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places, superb farms, orchards, and wineries. Originall
Beautifully updated home nestled on simi-private acre of property. This contemporary split with its open floor plan is perfect for entertaining. The delightful warm living room with a vaulted ceiling