房子 在 蒙多爾, 布列塔尼 购买
布列塔尼 - 聖米歇爾山灣 - 佔地 4 公頃的莊園,和諧修復,在 4 公頃的土地上提供 5 棟房屋 靠近馬魯因市、康卡勒灣和聖米歇爾山,距市中心 8 分鐘路程Dol de Bretagne TGV 車站 卓越的 19 世紀莊園,非常靠近布列塔尼迷人且不斷變化的 MONT SAINT MICHEL 海灣,可通過 N176 和 TGV 車站輕鬆抵達,佔地近 4 公頃,莊園受益於對建築物進行了和諧的專業修復,莊園及其圍牆構成了主要部分,附屬建築都已改造成舒適的住宿,設備齊全,隨時歡迎他們的居住者,因為是的,我們可以完美地想像它接待、活動、會議的區域,5 棟房屋全部翻新。可容納不同項目的稀有物業。不要 2.75 % Honoraires TTC a la charge de l'acquereur。 參考號:11435-FD
Bay of Mont St Michel - close to Dol de Bretagne - bungalow Lovely spot for this fully modernised bungalow, in the bay of the Mont St Michel, just a few minutes from the historical town of Dol
Bay of Mont St Michel - close to Dol de Bretagne - bungalow Lovely spot for this fully modernised bungalow, in the bay of the Mont St Michel, just a few minutes from the historical town of Dol
Bay of Mont St Michel - close to Dol de Bretagne - bungalow Lovely spot for this fully modernised bungalow, in the bay of the Mont St Michel, just a few minutes from the historical town of Dol
Bay of Mont St Michel - close to Dol de Bretagne - bungalow Lovely spot for this fully modernised bungalow, in the bay of the Mont St Michel, just a few minutes from the historical town of Dol