房子 在 達里恩, 康涅狄格州 购买
在這個令人驚嘆的喬治亞殖民地環境中,宏偉與魅力相得益彰,坐落在美麗的鬱鬱蔥蔥的田野和蜿蜒的道路上,坐落在一個私人和封閉的 2 英畝綠洲上。歡迎來到精緻的鄉村魅力,靠近 Darien 的高地公園和 Ox Ridge Riding & Racquet Club!這種建築美的每一寸都體現了無與倫比的高端定制設計。富麗堂皇的細節——鑲嵌硬木地板、精美的木製品、7 個壁爐、6 間帶浴室的臥室和多個辦公室。帶有雙樓梯的豪華雙高入口與令人嘆為觀止的家庭房相匹配,帶有高聳的 30 英尺格子天花板和高聳的落地窗。進一步壯麗 - 一個別緻的日光浴室和廚房都通向一個帶內置烤架、室外壁爐和新 2021 游泳池的娛樂露台。 Deane 廚房配備 2 個 Wolf 系列、2 個 Miele 洗碗機、2 個 Sub-Zero 冰箱和一個吧台,讓您享受美食的樂趣。帶有現代氣息的經典色調——帶絲綢牆壁和豐富造型的正式餐廳、引人注目的起居室和帶格子天花板的胡桃木鑲板書房,甚至通往 4 車加熱車庫的泥房都值得一看。臥室是純粹的寧靜 - 主人有光線充足的起居室、雙陳列室式步入式衣櫥和水療式輻射套間。自然光滲透到無電梯的 3 樓 - 臥室、浴室和夢幻般的遊戲室,以及一個龐大的藝術設計的低層 - 完整的健身房、辦公室/臥室和娛樂室。純粹的魅力! Ref: 36112-170459687
Presented for the first time on the market, this stunning waterfront home is a work of art both inside and out. Boasting almost 9,000 square feet of luxurious living space and featuring 5 en suite be

Overlooking Long Island Sound from a natural 32ft stone bluff high above the sea, with 2.79 private acres sits this waterfront home on the exclusive peninsula of Butler's Island. In the private Token

Once in a lifetime the opportunity presents itself to own a premier waterfront residence with panoramic views of Long Island Sound in the private Tokeneke Association. Beautifully sited on 2.79 acres

Spectacular water views abound! One truly feels they are on a luxurious yacht when looking out to the surrounding water vistas from this property. This gracious Tudor style home originally built in 1

The moment you drive into the circular Belgian block courtyard of this beautifully sited 2.5 acre estate within the private Tokeneke Association you have entered a world of your own. A spacious entry

A magnificent property with a dock sits high above Scotts Cove with nearly 500 feet of direct waterfront. Views to the East, South, and West with breathtaking sunrises and sunsets. Across from 20 acr