公寓 在 珊瑚灣, 維爾京群島 购买
關於 Noname * 帶私人海灘通道的寬敞戶外空間 * 令人驚嘆的景觀入口 * 定製家具(地毯、茶几、梳妝台、床、手工切割的大理石瓷磚等) * 整個房子都有定制的乙烯基牆紙 * 私人廚師廚房非常適合私人廚師、晚宴或高端度假租賃體驗 * 附加員工住宿臥室(私人廚師的完美選擇) * 私人健身房 * 帶定制設計沙發和超大屏幕的完整媒體室 * 廣闊的景觀建築和設計創造了一個完全私人和僻靜的地段 * 寬敞的室外空間(包括有蓋和無蓋),帶有一個大游泳池和額外的較低露台,營造出在海灘上的感覺,但實際上卻不是這樣 * 主人套房可以鎖定以將別墅作為 5 間臥室出租,並保持完全獨立,僅供業主使用 *每個浴室都有雙水槽, 6 間臥室中的 5 間設有室外淋浴 * 完全定制的廚櫃 * Holly Hunt 燈 * 頂級電器
About Valley Trunk Estate STUNNING BEACHFRONT ESTATE WITHIN EIGHTEEN ACRES OF LANDSCAPED GROUNDS Valley Trunk Estate, located on the quiet island of Virgin Gorda, occupies a commanding posit

About Reef House * 4 double bedrooms each as a separate 'pod'. Each bedroom has its own balcony, lying out chairs, safes, and en-suite bathrooms with indoor and outdoor showers (and one with a

About Rhumb House Rhumb House is one of Tortola's landmark properties. Situated on an exclusive private estate on the south shore this property overlooks the channel and the surrounding islands

About Water's Edge Water's Edge was constructed in the heart of one of nature's great wonders. Located among the giant granite boulder fields of Virgin Gorda, this is a contemporary Caribbean fanta

About Casa Asombrosa Located above Crooks Bay on the south-eastern coast of Virgin Gorda, this architecturally stunning property provides a sophisticated contemporary lifestyle. Five minutes' d

About Calypso Villa 'Calypso Villa' is one of Virgin Gorda's finest luxury villas; fully renovated in 2018. Quietly nestled among magnificent boulders and beautiful vegetation, the property is