公寓 在 魯菲克, 新阿基坦大區 购买
這家帶花園的房產距離 Ruffec 集鎮中心的商店僅幾步之遙,可輕鬆前往通往 Angouleme 的主幹道,擁有花園,受益於燃氣中央供暖和主排水系統。該物業由通向客廳、臥室、後廚房、書房和獨立衛生間的入口大廳組成。地下室有一個地窖,可以從後面的廚房進入。一樓有通往廚房的平台、帶陽台的寬敞客廳、淋浴間和三間臥室。還有一個車庫和封閉的花園。 *價格詳情:價格(包括代理費):192 600 歐元 價格(不包括代理費):180 000 歐元 7.00 % 的代理費由買方支付 房間面積*:廚房:10 平方米,走廊:5 平方米,休息室: 29 m2, 客廳: 22 m2, 辦公室: 8 m2, 後廚房: 8 m2, 床1: 9 m2, 床2: 10 m2, 床3: 10 m2, 床4: 14 m2, 淋浴間: 5 m2 ,著陸:10 平方米,附屬建築*:車庫:23 平方米,* 房間和附屬建築的尺寸僅為近似值
Superb 5 bedroom property surrounded by a large, well maintained garden with swimming pool. The property is located in the town of Ruffec close to all amenities. ------------ Ground floo
Have you watched the video yet? - We present to you a very rare opportunity to buy a little slice of history. We are delighted to offer you a 17th century property on the ramparts of the city, once pa
Superb property, restored 10 years ago, with a very large living room. The property is situated in the heart of a small hamlet, in a quiet location, just a few minutes from Ruffec. Possible to buy the
En EXCLUSIVITE , dans un environnement calme, parfaitement entretenue,Pavillon de plain-pied, 3 chambres dont deux parentales + une bureau/chambre 2 salles d'eau, une salle de bain, un sejour/s
A rare opportunity to acquire a riverside property close to the town centre of Ruffec in a quiet no through road. The location is fantastic with the river crossing the gardens. ------------
INVESTISSEMENT ALERTE! Rare opportunite d'acquerir un immeuble tres rentable pres du centre ville de Ruffec avec magasin, bureau et deux apartements sur deux etages plus courette et dependences. <b