房子 在 Dinan, 布列塔尼 购买
美麗的鄉村酒店、9 洞高爾夫球場、住宿加早餐酒店、可建造的土地 坐落在鬱鬱蔥蔥的鄉村,距離翡翠海岸的細沙灘和歷史悠久的迪南鎮 15 分鐘路程,擁有 9 座宏偉的鄉村莊園洞高爾夫球場,前農場提供魅力和特色,3 間漂亮的客房,2 間底層臥室供業主使用;高爾夫球場由其現任業主於 20 年前創建,受益於熱情友好的氛圍,其中一個石頭附屬建築已被改造成帶有酒吧和食品的俱樂部會所,桑拿浴室和按摩浴缸,1.4 公頃可建造,允許進一步發展,使物業根據您的想法隨意發展。優越的地理位置,優質的物業,發展空間,高爾夫球場 9 洞,獲得批准的 FFGolf,果嶺和發球區自動澆水,練習場(10 個位置的草地覆蓋 3 洞緊湊型),帶酒吧和餐廳的俱樂部會所50 平方米,(樓上 40 平方米敞篷車)。 350平方米的農舍,目前三房為客房,帶浴室和衛生間,部分為私人使用,由50平方米的客廳圍繞大廚房、兩間臥室和一間浴室組成; (額外的 50m ² 以上可擴展)。會議室和辦公室。健康和休閒區設有桑拿和按摩浴缸、接待室和休閒區。陽台。停車場。農舍周圍有一個工作車間和高爾夫球維護設備的穀倉。總用地:23公頃(57英畝),建築用地1.4公頃。不要 4.00 % Honoraires TTC a la charge de l'acquereur。 參考號:11105-C
House for sale in Dinan - Exceptional! Elegant mansion with unobstructed views of the old town Privileged location in sought-after residential area, access via dead end, quiet and private, the
1930's mansion, recently restored throughout, elegant quarter of Dinan Elegant house dating back to the 1930's, built by the famous writer Roger Vercel and benefiting from many original charact
In Dinan, in the Argentel Valley, Former Mill et youth hostel in the heart of a valley, on 1.5 hectares of grounds Enjoying a great location in BRITTANY, close to many sites of interest, Unique
In Dinan, in the Argentel Valley, Former Mill et youth hostel in the heart of a valley, on 2.5 hectares of grounds Enjoying a great location in BRITTANY, close to many sites of interest, Unique
In Dinan, in the Argentel Valley, Former Mill et youth hostel in the heart of a valley, on 1.5 hectares of grounds Enjoying a great location in BRITTANY, close to many sites of interest, Unique
In Dinan, in the Argentel Valley, Former Mill et youth hostel in the heart of a valley, on 2.5 hectares of grounds Enjoying a great location in BRITTANY, close to many sites of interest, Unique