公寓 在 奧斯多夫, 勃蘭登堡州 购买
Steglitz 的一居室公寓 建於 1901 年的威廉主義時期,以其建築風格和柏林建築史上的真正亮點而聞名。建築物的外觀明亮而美觀,帶有都鐸式的外觀。立面確實引人注目,其獨特的設計在柏林的許多建築中都是未知的,對細節的關注是壓倒性的,完美對稱,是一件真正的藝術品。該建築由 24 間獨立的公寓組成。 設備 該公寓受益於柏林舊建築的所有舊風格特徵,例如高高的天花板、大窗戶和寬敞的起居區。公寓包括兩個房間,一個獨立的廚房和一個浴室。客廳直接通向陽台,足夠容納幾個人。廚房有充足的存儲空間,後面有一個單獨的儲藏室。公寓的平面圖非常好,因為每個房間都可以從走廊進入。 公開下載 平面圖 立即諮詢 關於 施泰格利茨於 1920 年成為柏林的一部分,並被認為是一個獨立的地區,直到千禧年結束。今天 Steglitz 與 Zehlendorf 相連,該地區現在被稱為 Steglitz-Zehlendorf。這座城市的這一部分的美景幾乎是無與倫比的。擁有令人嘆為觀止的湖泊、樹林和大量的綠色。 Wannsee 位於柏林最西南部的 Steglitz-Zehlendorf 的一部分,是柏林最好的海濱度假勝地之一,是夏日陽光下避暑的好去處。附近是 Stadtpark Steglitz,一個有小湖泊的綠色公園,是放鬆的好地方。最近的 S-Bahn 和 U-Bahn 線位於 Steglitz 市政廳。 S1 線從奧拉寧堡穿過市中心到達波茨坦。另外,U9 線穿過 Kurfurstendamm、Zoologischer Garten 和 Tiergarten 這三個非常受歡迎的地方。 Kurfurstendamm,簡稱“Kudamm”,是柏林最受歡迎的購物街,匯集了頂級品牌、時裝、汽車和電子產品。 Zoologischer Garten 是德國最古老和最著名的動物園的所在地。蒂爾加滕是一個美麗的公園,可以從這裡前往勝利紀念柱、國會大廈或勃蘭登堡門等旅遊熱點。 物業規範 參考:BB502.18 單價平方米:€ 4,736 面積:63.14 平方米 樓層:2 房間:2 臥室:1 浴室:1 陽台:是 類型:公寓 狀態:租戶 每月租金:497,54 € 建造年份:1901
The building, planned around 1910 by the architect Hermann Buchholz, was created as part of the former "Albrechts-Park residential complex", which was arranged in a U-shape around a small private road
The building, planned around 1910 by the architect Hermann Buchholz, was created as part of the former "Albrechts-Park residential complex", which was arranged in a U-shape around a small private road
2 Bedroom Apartment in Steglitz The property was built in 1907 and the exterior of the building is light and aesthetically pleasing, the facade is decorated with breathtaking details. Each balc
The building, planned around 1910 by the architect Hermann Buchholz, was created as part of the former "Albrechts-Park residential complex", which was arranged in a U-shape around a small private road
The building, planned around 1910 by the architect Hermann Buchholz, was created as part of the former "Albrechts-Park residential complex", which was arranged in a U-shape around a small private road
The building, planned around 1910 by the architect Hermann Buchholz, was created as part of the former "Albrechts-Park residential complex", which was arranged in a U-shape around a small private road