其他 在 阿斯塔科斯, 迪蒂基·埃拉達 购买
索非亞島位於愛奧尼亞海的埃希納德斯地區,非常靠近東部的阿斯塔科斯小鎮和西部的伊薩卡島、凱法利尼亞島、贊特島和雷夫卡達島。 Echinades是愛奧尼亞海中的一組島嶼,位於希臘阿卡納尼亞海岸附近。更多信息:該島面積 174,000 平方米,地勢平坦,植被豐富,整個西海岸都被多年生雪松覆蓋。景觀令人嘆為觀止,海水淺而乾淨。該島由一個私人擁有單一所有權,並且有明確且可銷售的地契,因此該島可以隨時轉讓。該地區已被指定為 RAMSAR 站點,這一事實確保了其居民的高度隱私和安寧。有關於指定海岸線、森林/非森林區域和沒有考古興趣區域的有效證書。該島已準備好開發。根據現行法律,它可以用於私人住宅,也可以用於適度經營(出租-託管)。該島的大部分地區被林業部門定性為私人林地,提供巨大的隱私和寧靜的自然環境。根據建築法規,在其充分開發能力下,可建造6棟130平方米的房屋。價格:4,800,000 歐元
Petalas, the largest island of the archipelago islands Echinades is an uninhabited island in the Ionian Sea. The Petalas, like the whole complex of Echinades, although it has a short distance from the
Karlonisi. It is an island near Ithaca, within the limits of Kefalonia, within the complex of Echinades islands. The distance from the port of Astakos is about 6 km. The island has an area of 678.000s
Drakonera island is in the Ionian Sea. It belongs to the cluster of islands Echinades located on the southeastern coast of Aitoloakarnania. It is the third largest island of the group after Petala and
Makri Island. The island is 956.000sqm, located 9 miles from the island of Ithaca, 10 miles from the Astakos and 12 miles from Achelous. The highest elevation is 124 meters, has15 meters wide beach an
Echinades Islands. Island of 270 acres, owned to the complex of Echinades Islands. Declassified by the Forest Service the 101 acres and is suitable for residence, has calm waters for swimming and boat
Makropoula Island. The island has 95,000sqm area and belongs to the group of islands Echinades in the periphery of the City of Ithaca Prefecture of Kefalonia. The 30, 000 square meters are non- forest