房子 在 奧林達村, 加利福尼亞州 购买
就是這個!世紀中葉的現代美學。進入前門後,您將置身於私人環境中。 大房間被玻璃牆包圍,可俯瞰平坦的後院。後院特色 - 燃氣火坑、通往燒烤的燃氣管道、草坪區周圍的混凝土人行道、帶飲用水水龍頭的兒童遊樂設施,以及一個聽起來像小溪的美麗河流岩石噴泉。 佈局是開放的並邀請。大型主人套房,側面可通往熱水浴缸。大量的存儲空間。像單層住宅一樣生活,但下面有額外的娛樂室/家庭房。 兩全其美的位置,距灰熊峰僅數分鐘路程,距咖啡/購物/高速公路僅數分鐘路程.....遠足和騎自行車愛好者的天堂. 更新日期:2022 年 1 月 11 日 附加信息
140 Camino Sobrante is an incomparable Spanish hacienda rebuilt in 2008 by Mark Bohon, an award-winning local builder. The gated home sits on a tranquil lakeside parcel studded with mature oak trees a
This exquisite Tuscan villa style home was designed by John Malick AIA, an award-winning and published architect who embraces construction methods that revive the lost art of craftsmanship utilizing t
Spanish Mediterranean Country Club residence with unique features: hand plastered walls, arch double front foors, transom French doors & windows, hickory floors, clay tile roof, copper gutters, tiled
Situated in the heart of Sleepy Hollow, this elegant yet comfortable home was custom built new for the current owners in 2000. It typifies the phrase 'curb appeal' & is located on 'lower' Van Ripper.
Caldecott Properties Represented Buyer. Updated On: January, 11 2022 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
This is an incredible deal!! Look at price per sq. ft. Property has been painted & new carpet. Views, pool & privacy. Most of the property has been updated/remodeled. Gorgeous master suite w/balcony,