公寓 在 花園, 聖詹姆斯 购买
回到您的熱帶天堂 Cove Springs,這是巴巴多斯在該地區最令人垂涎的沿海物業之一。 7 間臥室的主屋隱藏在珊瑚懸崖上,擁有寬敞的套房、最先進的健身中心、媒體室以及多個室內和室外起居和用餐空間。擁有獨立的 3 居室旅館、巨大的露台、度假村風格的泳池區和私人海灘通道,為朋友和家人提供充足的空間來放鬆、放鬆並在海灘上找到屬於自己的幸福這個廣闊的,獨一無二的加勒比海度假勝地。 Cove Spring 豪宅採用珊瑚石設計,表示加勒比貴族的標誌。它的帕拉第奧/格魯吉亞開放式建築出色地捕捉了島嶼的內在美,最大限度地利用自然光,並讓信風為房屋降溫。 這座豪宅坐落在珊瑚懸崖上,俯瞰著壯麗的加勒比海。在其底部擁抱懸崖是一個僻靜的海灘,只有從 Cove Spring 豪宅可以私人進入。整個酒店周圍環繞著鬱鬱蔥蔥的綠色植物,提供獨特的隱私和原始的美麗。 豪宅的城堡式建築與精緻的室內設計和高級定製家具相得益彰,營造出獨特的環境,成為 Cove Spring 體驗的核心.精緻奢華、細緻入微的服務和員工、美味的菜單、獨家隱私和終極放鬆。

Come home to your tropical haven at Cove Springs, one of Barbados' most coveted coastal properties in the area. The 7-bedroom main house tucked away on a coral cliff boasts huge suites, a state-of-the

One Caribbean Estates is proud to offer for sale Monkey Bay. Located on Barbados' Platinum Coast, in amongst the luxury homes, Monkey Bay is a unique land boasting 35,466 sq. ft with 206 feet o

Glitter Bay 302 offers an incredibly unique opportunity to own in this sought-after beachfront development. This split-level unit has been renovated to the highest standard and converted into 2 separa

One Caribbean Estates is proud to offer for holiday rental Merlin Bay - Eden on The Sea. Welcome to Eden on the Sea, one of Barbados's loveliest seafront vacation villas comprising of just eigh

One Caribbean Estates is proud to offer for holiday rental James Bay Beachfront Apartment No.5. The fabulous beachfront apartment located in James Bay, on the West Coast of Barbados. The

One Caribbean Estates is proud to offer for holiday rental James Bay Beachfront Apartment No.4. The fabulous beachfront apartment located in James Bay, on the West Coast of Barbados. The