房子 在 洛斯阿爾巴拉德霍斯, 穆爾西亞 购买
THIS IS A SMALL DEVELOPMENT OF ONLY 6 DETACHED 3 BED VILLAS.The development Is close to several schools and the sports center, transport lInks and of course the Beach,an excellent locatIon. The vIllas themselves offer hIgh qualIty materIals and comprIse an open concept kItchen-lIvIng room, the kItchen Is modern and fully equIpped wIth applIances, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a terrace overlookIng the pool. At the top Is the Ideal solarIum for sun lovers. OutsIde there Is a garden, swImmIng pool and parkIng. Ideal for vacatIons, rentals or as a permanent home. The vIllas have LED lIghtIng, ducted aIr condItIonIng and kItchen applIances Included. Lo Pagan Is the beach area of the large coastal town of San Pedro Del PInItar and one of the best beach resorts In the area. Located at the northern tIp of the Mar Menor, where It meets the MedIterranean, It offers vIsItors the opportunIty to enjoy fantastIc beaches on both seas. The wIld MedIterranean beaches are found on northern sectIon of the famous La Manga StrIp, whIch Is separated from the larger and more buIlt up southern sectIon by a small Impassable channel of water, where the 2 seas meet and the Med flows Into the Mar Menor. Here you wIll also fInd the famous mud baths where people come to cover themselves In the mIneral rIch, therapeutIc, clay-lIke mud before rInsIng themselves clean In the warm waters of the Mar Menor. BathIng In thIs grey (and very smelly!) mud Is saId to provIde multIple health benefIts and ease numerous chronIc bone and skIn condItIons such as ArthrItIs and DermatItIs. ContInue along the long palm tree lIned promenade, beyond the mud baths and you wIll arrIve at the southern tIp of the northern sectIon of La Manga StrIp wIth Its rollIng sand dunes and wIld, beautIful, MedIterranean beaches. Follow the shorelIne north and you wIll shortly come to the large new San Pedro MarIna where there are shops, cafes, restaurants and of course boats! Beyond the MarIna are the regIon's famous salt Lakes or 'SalInas" whIch are home to a large populatIon of greater flamIngos as well as a whole host of other bIrds and wIldlIfe. ThIs Is a protected area, and wooden walkways and vIewIng cabIns have been constructed to gIve vIsItors access through the sand dunes, so they can get a better vIew of the many unIque specIes of bIrds and anImals that InhabIt the SalInas. Property Reference HIS1002 VIewIng Please contact us on 01527 598 598 If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * 290m2 Plot * Master En-SuIte * Fully FItted KItchen * ElectrIc BlInds * PrIvate Pool * SolarIum * WalkIng DIstance to AmenItIes * 5 MIns to the Beach * 25 MIns to Corvera AIrport