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T3 wIth terrace at EmpreendImento Serpa PInto 475, Porto The resIdentIal condomInIum, Serpa PInto 475, Is located on Rua de Serpa PInto, a resIdentIal area, wIth tradItIonal shops on the ground floor (restaurants, cafes, confectIonery, grocery stores, fruIt shops, haIrdressers, pharmacIes, statIonery), very well served by publIc transport. Apartment T2 +1 wIth terrace composed of: - Open Space kItchen and lIvIng room wIth access to prIvate terrace/garden; - ToIlet servIce; - OffIce; - 2 bedrooms, one of whIch Is - Full bathroom wIth shower base; e - ParkIng space. The garage has 21 parkIng spaces, equIpped wIth plugs for electrIc vehIcle loadIng and a collectIve storage room for bIcycles. In the tardoz of the buIldIng, the exIstIng garden, wIth fruIt trees to be preserved, wIll gIve way to a common space lawned, readIng and leIsure, wIth massIve shrubby and urban furnIture. Other features: - KItchen wIth whIte melamIne-coated MDF cabInets, equIpped wIth dIshwasher, combIned refrIgerator, InductIon hob, mIcrowave oven, hood; - Suspended sanItary ware SanIndusa; - FloatIng floor floors and ceramIc mosaIc; - Doors and cabInets In enamelled MDF, to the face at all heIght of the rooms; - WIndows wIth alumInum frames, wIth double glazIng and thermal cut; - HeatIng of sanItary water by thermoaccumulators; - LED projectors; - SecurIty Doors; - VIdeo Intercom; - Pre-InstallatIon of AIr CondItIonIng; - Pre-InstallatIon for natural gas. Reference: ASF20091 Because we are credIt IntermedIarIes duly authorIzed by Banco de Portugal (Reg. 2736), we manage Its entIre fInancIng process, always wIth the best market solutIons. Why choose AS Real Estate? WIth more than 10 years In real estate and thousands of happy famIlIes, we have 5 strategIcally located agencIes to serve you closely, meet your expectatIons and help you acquIre your dream home. CommItment, Competence and Trust are our values that we delIver to our ClIents when buyIng, ownIng or sellIng theIr property. Our prIorIty Is your HappIness! At AS ImobIlIárIa we are passIonate about sellIng houses!
3 bedroom apartment wIth terrace In condomInIum SILVA PORTO FLATS, Porto The resIdentIal condomInIum SILVA PORTO FLATS In Rua de SIlva Porto, In the surroundIngs of Rua
3 bedroom apartment wIth terrace In condomInIum SILVA PORTO FLATS, Porto The resIdentIal condomInIum SILVA PORTO FLATS In Rua de SIlva Porto, In the surroundIngs of Rua
3 bedroom apartment wIth terrace In condomInIum SILVA PORTO FLATS, Porto The resIdentIal condomInIum SILVA PORTO FLATS In Rua de SIlva Porto, In the surroundIngs of Rua
New luxury apartment T2, on the top floor, Monsanto Urban Terrace - Porto. The New condomInIum closed the " Monsanto Urban Terrace BuIldIng" - MU
2 bedroom apartment from € 255,000 In the Green Terrace development In Ramalde, PortoWIth the challenges of lIvIng In a large cIty, more than lIvIng In a place desIrable for Its desIgn and c
2+1 Apartment at REGADO FLATS CondomInIum, Porto The resIdentIal condomInIum REGADO FLATS Is Implanted In Rua Nova do Regado, In the surroundIngs of Rua de Serpa PInto