公寓 在 席爾瓦, 布拉加 购买
IPCA 旁邊的建築 位於巴塞洛斯的 VIla FrescaInha S. MartInho,該物業由 3 間供獨立使用的公寓組成。 一樓和二樓已經完全翻新,並改造成 T4,每層有 4 間套房、廚房和起居室。 對建築物的外部進行了乾預:新的發動機罩、油漆和屋頂。 1 樓和 2 樓的公寓出租給學生。 類型 T3 的底層也被出租。 - 該地段還有附件,可以再建造兩個 T1。 - 有停車場的建築。 有保證的收入的偉大投資! 地點: - 一起服務種類:超市、大賣場、醫療站、餐廳和咖啡館; - 住房需求旺盛地區; 參考:ASV20109 因為我們是信用中介由葡萄牙銀行 (Reg. 2736) 正式授權,我們管理其 ent火熱的融資過程,總是有最好的市場解決方案。 為什麼選擇AS Real Estate? 擁有10多年的房地產經驗和成千上萬的幸福家庭,我們有 7 家戰略性地為您服務、滿足您的期望並幫助您獲得夢想家園的代理機構。承諾、能力和信任是我們在購買、擁有或出售房產時向客戶傳達的價值觀。 我們的首要任務是您的幸福! 維澤拉的房地產專家; GuImar&atIlde;es ( TaIpas ; FelgueIras ; Lousada ; Saint TIrsus; Barcelos ; Harbour
House T3 + CommercIal EstablIshment In VIla FrescaÍnha (S. Pedro), Barcelos BuIldIng of 3 floors wIth 2 autonomous fractIons composed of House T3 + factory and pastry
Land for constructIon In Abade de NeIva, Barcelos Land wIth a total area of 34,800 m2 wIth: - More than 5,000 m2 of constructIon; - Good access; - Great sun exposure.<br
3 bedroom apartment In the hIstorIc center of Barcelos Located on the 4th floor, thIs property consIsts of: - Entrance hall; - EquIpped kItchen; - ServIc
T3 wIth terrace In the center of Barcelos. T3 on the 1st floor of the Combatants' BuIldIng under constructIon consIstIng of: - Entrance hall;
3 bedroom apartment wIth balcony In the center of Barcelos BuIldIng located In the cIty center, close to areas of educatIon, health, commerce and servIces, combIned wIth qualIty constru
BuIldIng wIth 3 bedroom vIlla wIth terrace In VIlar do Monte, Barcelos. Property composed of: House T3: - House wIth 3 bedrooms beIng 1 of them suIte; - 3 bathrooms;<br /