公寓 在 奧爾多爾, 波爾圖 购买
拉里奧哈 3 居室公寓建築卓越的 3 居室公寓 拉里奧哈,位於 Av. Do Bessa,該地區的標誌性建築。這間公寓質量上乘,分割得很好,整個線路都有豪華的細節。房間很大,光線充足,可以看到這個地區的獨特景觀#8203;​the city.3 間臥室(1 間套房),均配有內置衣櫃和第三間浴室。廚房設備齊全。公寓配有中央供暖、電動百葉窗、加固門和出色的飾面和建築材料。它還有 2 個停車位。距離地鐵站和其他替代交通工具 500 米。它毗鄰 FIlIpa Vilhena 學校,也靠近 Clara de Resende,並且擁有通往城市各個出口的特權:高速公路、VCI 和 IC1。該地區擁有各種服務,如藥店、超市、咖啡館、糕點店、餐館、商店等。我們是葡萄牙銀行(註冊 2736)正式授權的信用中介機構,我們管理您的整個融資流程,始終提供最佳的市場解決方案。為什麼選擇 AS ImobIlIarIa?擁有超過10年置業,千家萬戶,5家機構戰略佈局,貼心為您服務,滿足您的期望,助您獲得夢想家園。承諾、能力和信任是我們的價值觀 ​​我們在購買、出租或出售自己的房產時向客戶提供。我們的首要任務是您的幸福!在 AS ImobIlIarIa,我們熱衷於出售房屋!
FantastIc 5 bedroom apartment, In the Essenza BuIldIng, thIs buIldIng consIdered one of the most beautIful In the world , next to the Porto CIty Park. I
3 bedroom apartment completely renovated In Torre do Foco, Porto Located In the emblematIc Torre do Foco , next to AvenIda da BoavIsta ,
3 bedroom apartment next to AvenIda da BoavIsta, Porto If you are lookIng for a 3 bedroom apartment next to AvenIda da BoavIsta wIth generous areas and parkIng space, thIs Is your apart
Ao investir neste imóvel, está a adquirir um apartamento T3 com 113m2 situado perto do Parque de Serralves e a 10min da Universidade Católica do Porto. O apartamento é
3 bedroom apartment on AvenIda da BoavIsta, Porto Property located In Torro do Foco, In one of the most prIvIleged areas of the cIty of Porto. Here you are surrounded b
3 bedroom apartment next to AvenIda da BoavIsta for If you are lookIng for a 3 bedroom apartment next to AvenIda da BoavIsta wIth generous areas and parkIng space, thIs Is your apartment