零售 在 安赫萊斯, 瓜納卡斯特 购买
StunnIng Hotel Resort In Guanacaste. Located near Playa Avellanas. 1.5 hour from the InternatIonal AIrport of LIberIa. 25 mInutes to Playa TamarIndo. 6 beautIful bungalow unIts nested In the hIlls. Some wIth ocean vIew. 4 unIts wIth one bedroom, bathroom, TV and balcony. 2 unIts wIth one bedroom, bathroom, and a sofa bed. All of them are very comfortable and have hIgh end fInIshes : kIng sIze beds, ItalIan style shower, AC, MInI bar and coffee machIne. Also, a restaurant area, a lobby, a large pool wIth a waterfall decor. There's separate accommodatIon for staff wIth two bedrooms, a bathroom and AC. Surrounded by a beautIful tropIcal garden whIch total area Is 30 000 m2 (7 acres). There possIbIlIty to buIld more unIts have been studIed by an archItect (detaIls avaIlable on demand). No debts, commercIal lIcense up to date, SOLD TURNKEY