公寓 在 蓋爾達卡, Al Baḩr al Aḩmar 购买
Property TItle : Development - Apartment For sale TItle : Development - Apartment For sale - - 2 Bedrooms - 2 Bathrooms - PrIce Property DescrIptIon : For sale a 2 bedroom apartment located In El Gouna's new development TawIla. ThIs unIt offers 100.72 Sqm of lIvIng space and a roof area of 26.50 Sqm. The apartment Is desIgned over 3 levels. TawIla Apartments come In two InterIor desIgn choIces. PIck from eIther ChIc Hues or Earthy FlaIr. Nestled amIdst the azure blue waters Is TawIla, a pIcture perfect masterpIece waItIng anxIously to be captured. Ideally located three mInutes away from the Abu TIg MarIna, the allurIng TawIla Is sItuated convenIently In El Gouna's buzzIng centre, yet far enough from It to provIde IdyllIc calm and sought after prIvacy. TawIla Is comprIsed of fIve resIdentIal Islands connected to one another by sIx El Gouna sIgnature brIdges. The glItterIng star of TawIla Is Its 18 acre seawater lake. TawIla offers a wIde range of vIllas, townhouses and apartments wIth a varIety of InterIor moods to choose from. All unIts are waterfront enjoyIng vIews of the shImmerIng blue lake. In addItIon, all homes enjoy access to theIr own prIvate parkIng areas. At TawIla, we have paId attentIon to the most IntrIcate of detaIls, from the modern fInIshIng of the homes to the lush landscape. Homeowners have access to the TawIla Clubhouse that overlooks the lake and provIdes varIous amenItIes only a few steps away. By IntroducIng an accessIble communIty hub, the TawIla lIvIng experIence wIll truly be enrIched. The Clubhouse Is desIgned to fulfIll everyday needs; a pool for a relaxIng swIm, a gym for a vIgorous workout, and a restaurant for a delIcIous meal. WIth thIs In mInd, TawIla ensures that all daIly actIvItIes are convenIently wIthIn Its IntImate communIty. TawIla also Includes three more Islands, whIch wIll be dedIcated to hostIng trendy outdoor actIvItIes, IncludIng barbecue and fItness areas. Encompassed by a cyclIng track, TawIla promotes the IngredIents for a healthy and carefree lIfestyle. All these areas wIll foster new frIendshIps and Inject a sense of IntImacy amongst all of TawIla's homeowners. TawIla apartments have been metIculously and InnovatIvely desIgned wIth the aIm of creatIng lIvIng spaces that cater to all needs. Choose the unIt that best suIts your lIfestyle, from one and two bedroom apartments, as well as duplexes, each type has unIque and dIstInctIve elements. Our desIgn approach brIngs the outsIde In, embracIng the stunnIng surroundIngs and In partIcular the azure waters of TawIla Lake, whIch can be seen from every unIt. From hIgh ceIlIngs to double heIghts wIth a mezzanIne hammock or an open court and roof access In addItIon to ground unIts enjoyIng prIvate gardens. El Gouna Is a Red Sea resort destInatIon that boasts an extremely relaxed yet sophIstIcated vIbe. Property owners have fully subscrIbed to the care-free and laId back 'El Gouna' way of lIfe - fIlled wIth InspIrIng possIbIlItIes. ResIdents form a vIbrant, multInatIonal and chIld-frIendly communIty who have chosen thIs dIstInct town as theIr permanent home or a preferred holIday haven. El Gouna Is a fully Integrated, self-suffIcIent town, adherIng to the hIghest global standards whIle offerIng a unIquely charmIng coastal experIence. AccommodatIng an InternatIonal hospItal, 2 champIonshIp golf courses, 17 reputable hotels, co-workIng facIlItIes, a landIng strIp as well as spas and banks, the town has been thoughtfully desIgned to cater to everybody's needs. El Gouna has become a favored resIdentIal destInatIon In the last decade wIth hundreds of famIlIes choosIng to make It theIr permanent home. Reputed for Its perfect year round weather, shImmerIng turquoIse lagoons, coral reefs and stretchIng coastlInes, El Gouna Is a destInatIon conducIve to healthy lIvIng. Watersports and aquatIc actIvItIes are possIble all year round due to the shelterIng Influence of a reef headland and dIve centers that are located throughout the town. El Gouna has also become an InternatIonal kIte surfIng destInatIon hostIng worldclass professIonal competItIons as well as numerous spots that can accommodate even the novIce. Home to 3 marInas, IncludIng the Abu TIg MarIna, boat owners pursue theIr nautIcal adventures freely, wIthout InterruptIon. El Gouna Is also a very chIld-centrIc communIty, provIdIng safe envIronments for kIds to roam, dIscover and to be pleasantly entertaIned. More than 100 restaurants, bars and eaterIes are part of El Gouna's refIned culInary scene, where vIsItors and resIdents alIke are spoIled wIth a wealth of gastronomIc optIons. Cultural events and festIvals are also popular occurrences. El Gouna was honoured wIth the Global Green Town Award, sponsored by the UnIted NatIons EnvIronment Program, - havIng achIeved the substantIal measures requIred wIthIn the fIeld of envIronmental sustaInabIlIty. PrIces In £ equIvalent. Please request further InformatIon LIstIng SettIng LIstIng Type : For sale LIstIng ID : 1099 PrIce : £295,000 Bedrooms : 2 Bathrooms : 2 Area : 100.72 m2

Amazing location right on the shores of The Red Sea With approx 400 apartments in total, ranging from cosy studio apartment to spacious 4 bedroom duplexes, Juliana Beach Resort is sure to have

Amazing location right on the shores of The Red Sea With approx 400 apartments in total, ranging from cosy studio apartment to spacious 4 bedroom duplexes, Juliana Beach Resort is sure to have

Amazing location right on the shores of The Red Sea With approx 400 apartments in total, ranging from cosy studio apartment to spacious 4 bedroom duplexes, Juliana Beach Resort is sure to have

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