其他 在 Drummore, 鄧弗里斯和加洛韋 购买
方向:從 Ramsey 沿著 Bowring Road 向北行駛,經過醫院,向 Andreas 方向行駛,右轉進入 Bride Road,然後繼續經過 Grand Island 遺址,大約半英里後,可以在右側找到該物業。 出現了一個難得的機會,可以在島的北部購買這塊隱藏的寶石, 位於新娘路上,擁有令人驚嘆的不間斷海景和岬角景觀,是一塊非常適合開發的土地,需獲得相關規劃許可, 規劃許可於 2012 年獲得,用於拆除現有住宅和建造替代住宅-申請:12/01082/B 該地塊目前有一個廢棄的馬恩島小屋,大約 1850 年,擴建部分建於 1960 年左右。 現場是一個雙車庫,建於 1980 年,作為工作室配備,配備 40 毫米絕緣分段電動車庫門、5 千瓦柴油輔助加熱系統和 9 千瓦原木燃燒器。車庫有兩個 uPVC 雙層玻璃窗和一個側面的 uPVC 門,帶管道洗衣機和燃氣灶的設備齊全的廚房, 雙雙淋浴和洗手盆,休息區。 當前業主是享受離網生活 “經驗豐富的建築商的理想項目” 無後續鏈 僅限現金購買者! 應付房價:323.47 英鎊 學區:Bunscoill Rhumsaa 和 Ramsey Grammar學校 觀看次數:嚴格與 Property Wise Limited 預約電話:88 28 20 優惠:嚴格通過代理,Property Wise Limited 電話:88 28 20 免責聲明:雖然所有細節都被認為是正確的,但 Property Wise Limited 或其客戶均不保證其準確性,也不打算構成任何合同的一部分。平面圖僅用於說明目的,裝飾飾面、固定裝置、配件和家具不代表物業的當前狀態。測量值是近似值,不按比例。
Directions: Travelling Out Of Peel Along The Ramsey Road, Just after McLeods Fields There is a Turning On The Right Hand Side, After a short Distance Bear Right and Follow The Road Round, The Property
Directions:Travelling into Ballabeg from Colby. At the sharp right hand bend after Arbory town hall turn left up onto the Ronague Road, then take the first right onto Grenaby Road. Travel to the very
C ******NEW****** **FOR 360 VIRTUAL TOUR** ******************************* Directions:Travelling Through Peel Past Shoprite and Peel Clothworkers towards the Poortown Road
Directions: Travelling From Castletown Square Towards The Quay Turn Left Onto Hope Street . Proceed Along Hope Street Where Number 5 Springfield Terrace Can Be Found Towards The End On The Left Hand S
Directions: Travelling Into Port Erin along Station Road, turn right into Ballafesson Road. Proceed straight ahead and take the third turning on your right hand side into Maghergarran where number 122
Directions: Coming Into Peel Passed The QE2 High School At The Junction Turn Right Onto Albany Road, At The Bottom Turn Right Onto Derby Road, Continue Along Derby Road, Pass Shopright, Peel Clothwork