其他 在 阿吉亞·菲拉西斯, 萊梅索斯 购买
出售 位於利馬索爾的大樓,價格為 €3,300,000 一座擁有城市豪華辦公空間、獨特設計特色和嚴格實用的空氣的大樓。這個辦公室項目的特點是受著名的紐約閣樓外觀啟發的工業美學。柔和的色調與粗獷的鋼架相得益彰,裸露的磚塊與天然木材無縫融合,雙層高的天花板讓光線穿過崎嶇而精緻的室內,裝飾著佛羅倫薩瓷磚,帶來意想不到的浪漫觸感。在外部,修復後的磚砌和預製混凝土立面將辦公空間與鄰近的上市建築隔開,增加了城市豪華邊緣利馬索爾老城。該建築將具有度假酒店的特點。該建築距離大海僅 350m,它將於 2020 年 4 月交付。如果客戶想購買建築物的一部分,這也是一種選擇。 有蓋私人停車場 價格加增值稅
Reference ID: #SA33473 Price details: €19,000,000 +VAT High end commercial building to delivered in August 2024. 5 floors/7 levels Semi Basement/Mechanical floor Offices Area: 2

NEW under construction FOR SALE OR FOR RENT Five level building located in the heart of Limassol a short walk from Limassol's business and shopping district, the beach and the new marina. It consists
For Sale Building in Agia Zoni for €6,700,000 This ultra modern newish 5 floor building is located in the heart of Limassol. The building has one Store consists of: 187sq.m. ground floor,

For Sale Business in Limassol for €6,500,000 Unique development construction in an existing historical museum. This new expansion will be a touristic unit consisted of 10 one-bedroom exec

The plot measures 13110 sq. m, has a normal rectangular shape, has a building density of 100%, a coverage of 50% and a maximum height of 3 floors (13,5 m). The zone is Ka5. It is perfect for developme
For Sale Building in Limassol for €5,800,000 Available to be bought together, this Project consists of two multi storey buildings with 2 & 3 Bedroom spacious apartments. Excellent opportu